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[WTS]2Wolver Cap/Coat(Fire/Normal Max)Skolver Cap (Fire Max)Angelic Helm(High UV),Autogun(CTR med/ASI VH)
let me know you ahve shadow high and fire med if you ahve that i will bid 4kce
Updated .
Owlite Shield (Normal Defense High)
------Sold Sealed Sword (CTR High) 6.5K CE
Wolver Cap Shadow high
Wolver Coat (Shadow max.)
-----Add New Wolver Coat(Poison Max) 3K CE
-----Sold 2UV Twisted Targe(Shadow med.Freeze High) ( 3K CE )
Add Wolver Coat(Normal max)

-----Sold 2UV Twisted Targe(Shadow med.Freeze High) ( 3K CE )
Add Wolver Coat(Normal max)
3UV Vog cub Coat (Curse High+Fire Med.+Shock Low)
Wolver Coat(Piercing High)(2K CE)
Wolver Coat (Stun Max.)(2.5K CE)
Wolver Coat (Freeze High) ( 1K CE )

Depending on how much CE I have after selling my stock of accessories, I'm interested in that High Piercing Wolver Coat, unless you only had one and was still editing it out.
IGN Bigfootm

2UV Wolver Cap(Fire Med.+Elem. low) 65K CR
Wolver Cap (Fire Med.)
How much would you want to trade my cap for your cap?
2UV Wolver Cap(Fire Med.+Elem. low) 65K CR
Wolver Coat(Piercing High)
Owlite Shield (Elememtal High)]
New 2 UV Owlite Shield (Shadow High+ Fire Low) 3K CE
Wolver Cap (Curse High) (1.2K CE)
Wolver Cap(Freeze High)1K CE
Wolver Cap (Piercing High)2k CE

wolver coat shadow:
low- not gonna buy it
med- 350ce
high- 850ce
v. high- lol i cant afford that
ultra- i dont think that even exists
max- lol i cant afford that either

how bout 450ce cuz thats in the middle?

il offer 3k ce for skelly shield max fire, my ign="middle-man"

ign: irokwe
===changing forum name===
Middle:Im looking for 6K CE.and negotiable
Wolver Coat (Freeze max.)(3.5K CE) AH
Wolver Coat(Poison Max) 3K CE AH
Middle:I will try 6K a period. Thx ur offer.
------Sold New Wolver Coat(Normal Max)
Add Wolver Coat (Piercing Max)
---Sold Owlite Shield (Normal Defense High) ( 1.9K CE ).
New Wolver Cap (Freeze High) 1.2K CE
New Wolver Cap (Cuser High) 1.2K CE
New Wolver Cap (Normal High) 2K CE
New Wolver Cap (Shock High) 2.2K CE
New Wolver Coat (Normal High) 2K CE
New Wolver Coat (Freeze High) 1.2K CE
2UV Owlite shield (Shadow high+Fire low)
Elemental Cloak(Elemental Max)

9k for wolver coat (pierce max)
Spamisalreadyinuse: I think 9k is a little low. I still trying 11-12kCE
Wolver Coat (Shock high) 2.2k CE
Wolver Cap (Shock High) 2.2K CE
Add Wolver Cap(Shadow high) 3k CE
Wolver Coat (fire high) 2.8k CE
Skolver Coat (Fire Max)

I'll offer 1k CE for the coat since that is what the previous one sold for.
Chat in game.
Wolver coat Freeze High.
Wolver Coat Freeze Max.
New Skelly Suit(Curse Max) 3.5K CE

I'd love the wolver cap with high curse but man, im so poor and irish...

tell me if you get a wolver cap piercing max. I'm missing one of those.
And a flourish/barb line asi high/vhigh (both are fine, but I'm leaning towards vhigh).
K if i see someone selling will inform u
Sold New Wolver Coat (Fire High) 2.8K CE.
New Wolver Coat ( Piercing Max) 12K CE

do you still have any wolver line with max piercing for sale?
No. Just sold it..
Add Wolver Cap (Normal Max)
Boosted plate Shield (normal max)5.5K CE

Wanna buy Wolver cap High Normal
IGN Poul.
Add New 2UV Autogun(CTR Very High + Gremlin Low) B/O 28k CE
New 2UV Autogun(CTR High + Gremlin Very High) B/O 10K CE
New 2UV Autogun(CTR Very High + Gremlin Low) B/O 29k CE
New 2UV Autogun(CTR High + Gremlin Very High) B/O 10K CE
New Wolver Cap(Normal Max) 11K CE.
Add Defender (Elemental Max)
Mighty Cobalt Helm(Shadow max).
Cobalt Helm(Elemental Max.).
Owlite Shield (Shadow high) 2.5K CE
New Defender (Elemental Max)

Hi Hican, I see you make alot of wolver stuff so i was wondering if you ever get a fire high wolver cap or see anyone else selling one, can you inform me please? I would really appreciate it, thanks!
IGN: Starfire-Lights

I would LOVE to buy ur smelly shield w/fire max. IGN: AnderLam
send me a message :D
Sorry I forget update that one. Had sold on AH
Add Skelly Shield(Normal max).

Hican, if you craft any of these items, come straight to me!!!
Sold New Freezing Vaporizer(CTR med)
Add Autogun CTR High
Add Wolver Coat(Shadow Max)
Add Wolver Cap(Normal Max)
Looking for these two items, you selling? And how much, thanks.
If you also have this please tell me price, thank-you.
Sold 2UV Wolver coat(Normal High+Piercing low).
Autogun(CTR VH)
Autogun(CTR high)
Add Wolver Cap(Normal Max+Freeze low)
Wolver Coat(Normal Max+Piercing low).
New Wolver Coat( Shadow Max)
New Wolver Coat(Elemental Max).
Calibur(ASI Very high)
a guildie's looking for a shock high/max wolver coat if u craft one and have it for reasonable price. :)
@Hikons ok.If i craft i will inform u.
sold New 2 UV Wolver Coat(Normal Max+Piercing low)
hey hican, do you have sealed sword w/asi h?
@lightee only have CTR high now.sry :)
Wolver cap (Shadow high)
New Wolver Cap(Elemental High) 2.5K CE
New Wolver Coat(Elemental High) 2.5K CE
Angelic Helm(Piercing Max)
Angelic Helm(Piercing High)
Angelic Helm(Elemental High)
Angelic Raiment(Normal High)
New Wolver Cap(Shadow Max) 12KCE
Needle shot (CTR med) 2.5K ce
New Sealed Sword (CTR High) 6.5K CE
New 2 UV Wolver Cap(Normal Max+Freeze low)

Do you still have any shock high or normal or P high wolver caps?
I am interested in any of those. If you do have a shock high both wolver coat and cap i may buy both as a set.
Thanks ^_^ ign is same as forum name. I think you might still be friends with me in game too :-P

Ok. Is 2k Ce good for that? Or what is your min on that one?
Updated.New Autogun (Ctr Med) (1.5K CE)
Add 2UV Wolver Cap(Fire Med+Freeze low) 80k CR
New 2UV Wolver Cap(Fire Med.+Shock low) 80K CR
New 2UV Wolver Cap(Fire Med.+Elem. low) 80K CR