New default controls for moving and shooting

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Legacy Username

I want to suggest that a new set of default controls for moving and shooting be selected.

Reading posts from various people on the forum indicates that people do get stuck in the middle of fights. Just watching other people when playing shows that sitting and firing is common.

Running away while firing isn't easy with the default setup. Yes, "click to move" is simple. But if people learn "click to move", then trying to aim and fire while backing up is hard. There is no default setting for "Move backwards", and I'm not sure what a good setting would be.

There is also the issue of left/right handidness. WASD by default will move without changing facing, so for right handed mouse users, with a two button mouse, keyboard moving and mouse aiming works. But that's not documented anywhere I can find; you either stumble on it by looking over the controls, or reading the forums. And it doesn't work for left handed mouse users, one button mouse users, or trackpad users (my experience, anyways).

A simple "Left or right handed?" question, and reversing the WASD and arrows, and mouse buttons, would be a good start. But then the fixed text in the tutorial is off, and if your left hand is on the mouse to aim, and your right hand is on the arrows to move, no finger is near X to defend, so it needs a new location as well.

Legacy Username
I set up my movement to WASD

I set up my movement to WASD and shield to right click with left click to shoot. Whatever the default set-up was is horrible and definitely at the very least needs to be reconsidered.

Legacy Username
I absolutely love the default

I absolutely love the default setup.

Am I crazy?

Legacy Username
All I changed about the

All I changed about the default was setting shield to middle mouse press, so when I'm lazy I can do everything with one hand. I do use WASD to move though, and that is set by default.

Cake's picture
I often play with it as it

I often play with it as it is. I find it's more relaxing than other games I've played because unless I need a shield, I can do it with one hand. The only change I made is to make shift = shield. Nice big buttons make it easy to press in those "Oh crud" moments. If I do want to run a ton and shoot at the same time, I can always use the keyboard for the movement.

I also plan on giving it a go on a game pad.

Legacy Username
Yeah I think pretty much

Yeah I think pretty much everyone has changed the shield to something else. That's hardly an issue though.

I never really play with one hand because using guns, I'm always on the move with WASD and aim with the mouse. It works wonders though.

Legacy Username
I always use a gamepad, but I

I always use a gamepad, but I think presenting the player with a few presets to choose from (with a note on how to change their controls later) when they first begin would be a great idea. The help tips should also be updated to match your current controls.

Right now, there are sort of one and a half control schemes set up by default. WASD is bound, but it's not practically usable unless you rebind defend.

Presets could be...

Mouse Movement
Move Forward: LMB
Action: RMB or Z
Defend: X
Strafe: C
Switch Weapon: Mouse Wheel or Spacebar
Auto Aim: Shift

Mouse and Keyboard
Move: WASD or Arrow Keys
Action: LMB
Defend: RMB
Switch Weapon: Mouse Wheel or Spacebar
Auto Aim: Shift

Keyboard Only
Move & Look: WASD or Arrow Keys
Action: Spacebar or Z
Defend: Shift or X
Strafe: Ctrl or C
Next Weapon: E or V
Prev Weapon: Q

I think these three also completely cover left-handed mouse-users. A fourth option should also be present which takes the player directly to the control options.

Shoebox's picture
Buy a controller, you

Buy a controller, you cheapskates.

Legacy Username
iirc the middle mouse button

iirc the middle mouse button isn't, by default, assigned to any function at all, so giving Shield to it probably wouldn't hurt

on the other hand the mousewheel is already used to switch weapons and if you are sloppy with your mouse hand you could accidentally do one instead of the other

Legacy Username
Actually, i don't see a problem

Ok, i saw one, but it was fixed: the Q button for shielding is only good if you play with the arrows, but with WASD, it's really hard...that's why i changed the button for shielding, but, that's all. I'm actually thinking in buying a gamepad to see if i can make a most enjoyable run through the dungeons.