I know this sounds a bit odd but don't you wish, while doing JK, to be a few more levels closer to beating him and getting those delicious tokens?
My intentions are simple: get in a friendly guild that frequently does JK and invites or allows fellow courageous members to join later depths more quickly in order to efficiently dispatch of that big hunk of jelly that roams the land. Anyone can join later stages directly and either continue with the party from there or if they feel strong enough solo their way to token goodness.
If I will ever get accepted in such guild I will promise to always allow my fellow members to join my game and if necessary buy recipes for them in the Terminal Level if they can provide the funds.
Here's my best equipment:
- Vog cub cap (level 10)
- Vog cub coat (level 10)
- Grey Owlite Shield (level 10)
- Leviathan Blade UV CTR medium (level 10)
- Divine Avenger (soon to be level 10)
- Faust (level 10)
I will usually be online daily hunting the gooey Jelly King.
Thank you for reading this humble request and I wish the best of luck and many tokens on your gelatinous travels.
You can always try out for our Shadow Mercenaries guild. We've got quite plenty of members who'd always love to run Jelly for heat/crowns and all but it also depends on your timezone. Yes, I do completely understand what you need/want and we'll try our best to do as you wish. I'll send you an invite ingame, but I'd rather say go talk to "Rgn-Vertigo" ingame. If you don't feel comfortable with the guild or whatsoever, you're free to leave.