I got one from a drop and I'm not sure what to do. My only shield is the snarby one. Is there a big difference If I equip the skelly in terms of defense or should i care more about the BTS damage bonus? Someone asked for it when picked it up and i would have given it to him but a 4* item to me is too valuable, being a F2P guy.
Now I'm sad.
Siniester Skelly shield
It's worth having one shield for each damage type. The usual suspects will be a Grey Owlite for elemental, a BTS for pierce, and either a Dread Skelly or a Crest of Almire for shadow.
That said, some people exclusively use a Swiftstrike or BTS everywhere to take advantage of the attack buffs. It just means you need to be better at dodging in certain situations.
Having a good shadow/fiend setup can make dealing with Dark City levels a walk in the park.
I'm going to agree with Nicoya-Kitty, having shields with different damage resist really make a difference in specific stratas. Skelly is especially good in those poison undead levels and above all against the most hated family : fiends, and their awful devilites.
You don't even really need to make it to 5* to feel the difference. Even with Grey Owlite and BTS, i'll take my 4* skelly anyday for a fiend strata (often in poison/undead strata too). It can take at least 1-2 more furniture hit, if not more.
The damage bonus is not worth a lot when your shield is broken and tons of mobs are looking to eat you.
Just a final warning : although it could be tempting to use skelly in FSC due to lots of undead, don't. There is so much fire and normal attacks that Skelly is not worth it there. And undead attacks aren't really a huge threat.
sounds like your not in T3 yet where you kinda need other shields (owlite, BTS and skelly are the most populair i think) so you have a shield elemental, piercing and shadow (don't think there are much enemies in T3 dealing pure normal) so yeah i would hang on to it. (i'm going to make one now because i just finished my T3 sets and just need a shadow shield for when the need calls)
I got da shield from Vana -.- I can survive with the BTS to some extent (more or less it was a 'forced teaching' from being a cheap-ass F2P). That's why I had my doubts. But ya, devilites are a pain so this may come usefull.
I still feel bad because it was like a stole the drop from one guy that deserved it, but hey, I can't be a Jesus with everyone.
But are @Giannii prices right? 2000ce - 50 - 200 -400 (energy to craft) = 1350ce thats like 75k cr for the recipes, I may as well sell and craft from start.
75 - 10 - 4 -1 = 50k left
Or is my math wrong?
oh sorry xD didn't mean to offend you by saying you where not yet going T3 :s
yeah those thing are the same as mats it's random :(
but then again you don't realy "need" the shield, it's just great against howlitzers and stuff in T3 (or shadow lairs if you are planning to go there)
^ ^ ^
Yup. I Switch between Owlite, BTS, & Skelly as well. The Skelly makes a world of difference for Fiend/Undead stratum, especially if they happen to be Poison or Freeze themed. I love mine. The Skelly shield line was one of my first purchases after setting foot in T2. It kept me alive while I made my peace with fighting T2 devilites (which were murder at the time for me).
On a totally non-functional side note, I like the esthetics of the Sinister Skelly Shield better then just about any other shield in the game.
skelly will be better for fiend levels, but since you got it 4* and unbound you will earn more selling it, sell it for 1800-2800ce and build a new skelly if you like or something else (1800 is unbind price, which you dont have to pay thats why its okay to sell it for just that if you cant find buyers, but no less)