I'm planning on leveling the blast bomb to 5 star, but I see 3 different path and no difference in the description. Anyone can tell me what are they ?
Difference between Big angry, Iron tech and nitronome bombs.
Wed, 04/13/2011 - 17:53
Legacy Username
Wed, 04/13/2011 - 23:07
Big Angry Bomb is really
Big Angry Bomb is really slow, it's not worth getting for anything besides looks.
The Nitronome has a big Blast Radius and a good speed, a very balanced bomb.
The Irontech Bomb does a bit more damage than the Nitronome and has a pretty high Knockback when compared to other bombs, but it's slower than the Nitronome.
Thu, 04/14/2011 - 09:59
Legacy Username
The big angry bomb also has
The big angry bomb also has highest damage and knockback out of the three... plus it roars, which makes it look really cool.
No one can help me ? :(