Yesterday, I have finally completed my 4* set, which enabled me to go deeper into tier 3. Since I've been one of the players that farm Jelly King on a daily basis, i want to ask if T3 and/or vanaduke is better for farming crowns or is sticking with JK to farm crowns the better choice?
Questions for farming crowns upon reaching t3
Tue, 11/08/2011 - 02:44
Tue, 11/08/2011 - 03:04
It depends
I think it's best to try getting to the core via non-Vanaduke gate first. That should get you familiar with the new moves enemies get in T3.
Doing FSC is hard without certain weapons. If you join a PUG you might get kicked for not having the right stuff. If you have a good group they can carry you through.
Before you get the right weapons, sticking to JK is not a bad idea, since the revive cost in FSC may cost you.
Tue, 11/08/2011 - 03:04
I see... The thing is, I have very terrible latency and i rarely sell my mats. (Have at least 150 on all shards) My main advantage though is me playing as a gunslinger, which increases my normal survivability above the average survivability of a swordy. So im still not sure about doing the non-risk levels only.
It certainly will be, once you can get over dying if you have some latency. The chance of obtaining materials which sell for more is certainly higher, although if you have no shadow protection, doing Dark City could be very painful. When I finally got my stuff all to 4*, I sorta ran T3 and all depths to get the achievements when the themes were construct/gremlin, because my sword has a low damage bonus vs. construct and the gates could be waited to favorable levels (Jigsaw Valley, Deconstruction Zones, etc.). After getting those achievements, however, I waited until I had a 5* sword to try more T3 runs.
Even if your crown production may go down a bit, I'd still think it fine just to do a few T3 runs to get used to how monsters behave, and then judge for yourself if its worth it.