Well Guys, with the incoming of the Shadow Lair. some of the History of Cradle was showed to us. Before you start reading this all, let me you know this:
*THIS ALL IS A B*LLSH*T! So, if you don't like roleplay, or you're not a curious one, skip this Topic, and go read other. I recommend The Bazzar, is a good place to find whatever you want (minus a hack to generate energy. This is impossible, and you will lost your account in process);
*It's based Mostly in wiki pages, so, the information is somewhat confirmed;
*My toughts will be made in STRONG, so, you don't worry about separeting all the things.
I will try made this very simple, so, all how want read this, and share your opinions, please, enjoy the space below! :)
Let's start with a brief explanation what are we talking about:
=================The Shadow Lairs=================
As far we know, in the official lore, these are Boss levels who have fell in the infection of the Swarm. After you defeat the Boss (how is more powerfull, if compared with his "normal"), you pass troght a a dark level, knowed as...
=================The Unkonow Passage==============
These Levels are somewhat compared with the Clockwork Tunnels, with some diferences: Swarm infected monsters respaw infinatly, with no gain of heat, crown, materials, and they have a new look, with black skin, very bright eyes, and much more stronger. The only objective here is survive. The diference to this level to all clockwork is, if you get defeated here, leave to Haven is not a option, as you very near to a other, much more special place...
=================The Sanctuary===================
This is a special level. "A Calm in the Storm", as the subtitle say, is a peacefull place, where players get a brief rest of all efforts spend. But, this is not all! They get a special material get only in this place, a new artifact called "Echo Stone", and the chance to craft a nice armor, made only in the Alchemy Machine found in this place.
=================The Swarm====================
What is this? We don't know for sure, it's said that is a type of dark energy. The level with most swarm related things is the "Unkonow Passage", with a black pixeled cloud covering the fields, and a interference on the HUD, wich jam the mini-map. It have 4 forms: The Swarm Seed, Swarm Portal, Swarm Monsters, and Swarm Signal (wiki them for more information).
Well, This is all know about the Shadow Lairs. Now, my deductions:
*As far we know in the Echo Stones, the world of Cradle was made to hold a special force from someone. This force is in a safe place, commonly called "Core". Wich kind of force is hold there to be so guarded, is not know, even if we will have peek of this.
*Again about the Echo Stones, one of them talk this: This world was created to protect me. Vulnerable in slumber, worlds were drawn to shield me from the darkness. This world has become my prison. In his madness, the architect betrayed the pact. Twisting his creation into a game of death, it now devours all who enter its iron embrace." If you look in wiki, the architect is pointed to King Tinkizar, King of all Gremilins. Never saw, only by his loyal men(?), the Crimson Order. But, let's see: The king got mad.Probably, the one looking for the Core, twisted his mind, and allied forces with him, only to get it hands (??) in it.
Now, let's think: If this is true, the Shadow Lairs are the "one peek" expression of this "real bad guy". And, why the King Tinkizar is not seen, even by his gremlins? Because he is infected by the swarm too, and the only ones how still see he, is the Crimson Order. Don't believe me? Remember, what is the color of the eyes of the infected swarm monsters?... Yeah. Some say purple, others red... But, is somewhat similar to the lines present in swarm seed, huh?
Again about the Swarm: How created it, and What is made? I think it Tikinzar and the Bad Guy made it. Why? If the Swarm is only energy, why it can change the monsters so drastically, like, the Lumber, how got a Axe in the place of his Club-arm? I think is "Bio-mechanical", wich impreginate in the monsters, and turn them to thes vicious things. This make the things go more easy to go: The Bad Guy was in need to get a huge army, or whatever he needs, and ordered Tinkizar to make something how make the minions loyal to him. He made the "Swarm Virus", and, to don't let he turn this against him, infected the Gremlin with his own creation.
Well, i think this is all. If you reading this, why not you comment? It's so easy, and if you liked, share what you think about this! It would be fun! ;)
PS: Sorry for my bad english, it's so low used, and now... pew... anyway, thanks for reading this all
PPS: My IGN is really Urbam. Actually, i never played a level in Shadow Lairs, so, all i know about them is from wikis.
PPPS: If you want see videos related with this, i recomend this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eIKGnXQaLA
See You All Folks!
The Swarms were the native, intended beings gave birth by the Cradle. But the Creator intervened and seeded the various species (Gremlins, Strangers, Snipes) onto the planet. This was done by using the power of the Core to suppress the spread of the Swarms, so the Creator's beings could prosper and maintained Cradle for the Creator.
After Spiral Knights crash landed on Cradle, they were drawn to the power source of the Core. In one of the tests, they temporary weakened the power source in the Core and awakened the Swarms. The Swarms spread quickly and corrupted everything in their paths.
The only way to stop the spread of the Swarms were through isolation (through locked gates) and restarting the suppressing system at the Core. But it's too late, because the Swarms have started infecting the Core, transforming into a new monster unseen in the history of Cradle. Would the Creator interven one more time? Or would the destiny of Cradle lies on the shoulders of the crash landed Spiral Knights?
We will find out in Tier 4. a.k.a. The Core.
P.S. OOO, please make the story not suck. You can do better than an amateur, right?