If the spiral knights were real and came to earth would we all be killed and enslaved or not? You vote!
If the spirals came to life?
In the case that they were hostile, then we simply go the nuclear option and they get wrecked to all hell.
There'd be Knights downtown begging for Energy.
At first things would go well. They would encounter some resistance as there would be haters out there who would try to kill them, but would otherwise get along with most of us. Then they would realize there's a lot of energy being produced in the electric grid. They would start to drain the electric grid of power. This would cause a massive energy sink and trip more than a few circuit breakers. This would cause blackouts, and that would tick off more than a few of us and possibly start wars.
It would get worse once the spirals realize how we are generating the energy. Renewable energy is great, but the best way to generate a lot of energy in a hurry is to burn coal and gas. This may lead them to secure oil fields and coal mines. This would not sit well with the gas and electric companies. Neither will this sit well with the average commuter (what does your car run on again? What supplies energy to the electric grid?) We would be facing a massive oil and coal shortage, and if draining the electric grid doesn't start a war, taking the coal and oil will.
How would they fair against us? I don't know. I think we may be evenly matched. We do have a nuclear option, but there aren't many of us who would want to ruin the world we live in. Although, it only takes a few of us to think "if we can't have it than no one will" and nuke the place to **** and back.
In short, it would start out diplomatically but end in disaster.
The knights would fight hard and well... for an hour or two. Then they would run out of mist and the humans would have 22 uninterrupted hours to kick the living crap outta them. Unless a scheduled reality reboot cuts their fight time down even further. Then they're really screwed.
I definitely wouldn't move to New York.
Cobalt is standard issue. Just remember that it is highly resistant to piercing. Then remember the average Spiral Knight's arsenal has infinite ammo, and they have force field projectors, again resistant to piercing because they're using defender series. They also have reusable explosives (!!!), so they could probably level structures pretty fast. In any sort of urban combat scenario, we would get WRECKED. Our only real advantage is that we have vehicles. Some of their more specialized units could still neutralize our vehicles with shivermist, polaris, etc. Their most elite squads with Guardian shields, Striker boosts, and Recon Cloaks would be EXTREMELY vicious. Our best hope is aerial domination over them. Continuous airstrikes would eventually deplete their soldiers spare energy. Then again, the Spirals have shown they've adapt at reverse engineering technology, so if we don't stop them from gaining a foothold, they might gain our technology and mix it with their own, making jets with shields, stealth systems, etc. Also, nuking them wouldn't really work - we would devastate an area with radiation, preventing ourselves from occupying the region, whereas they could use energy to revitalize themselves, and then simply use a remedy pill to remove the effects of radiation poisoning.
Only the Avatar can beat them or Po!
-Our guns will be worthless because the knights mostly have piercing protection.
-Nukes will count as elemental damage and elemental protection is common.
-We are all Dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeddddddd!
I say we work with them to see if they can help our energy problems, and, see if finding a way to harvest the core without any damage to the earth, thus they could power the skylark and help us! simplez!
Knights are immortal. When they seem to 'die' in the clokworks they actually get teleported to the nearest friendly city (haven) and recover to full health instantly.
"Only Phantoms are IMMORTAL"
Then how the hell are we all able to continue playing after our knights have been mauled countless of time. We never die, we just magicaly go to Haven.
Still, a couple of sandbags should be enough to stop Knights since they can't jump.
Revived by other knights and healing on heart pads somewhere within Haven. You're probably unconscious if you return automatically, so you heal during the loading screens.
But that won't be a problem once we've carpet bombed Haven. ...after stealing all of their Snipes. Can't hurt the Snipes, they'll destroy us all.
As far as individual knights go... they might have their shields, but all fall down before the mighty clipboards and floppy discs. We have tons of those, and they deal a reasonable amount of shadow damage, so we can get rid of them with our all-powerful office supplies.
I would punch their nuggets and throw them in a ditch
them: guns go about 10 floor tiles :P
us: ever heard of snipers?
Them: they have bombs that the have 2 hold over there head, and have a range of about 6 floor tiles.
us: grenades, warheads, modern bombs, moltov cocktailz.............. :)
the only thing is that they can revive themselves and if they got close, there swords would take us down :)
EDIT: i also forgot the tanks, fighter jets, armored trains and other stuff we have xD
Yes, you are completely correct in that the Knights have distinct advantages over humans, but you forgot one thing:
Although it is not canon, it is probable that the Knight are partially or fully integrated into their mechanical suits. This would mean that they are at least partially susceptible to a virus. All we have to do is infect one Knight, and any simple virus (I am talking computer virus) would spread, with the knight having no means to stop (they do not appear to have that much knowledge about how their own armor utilizes its abilities).
This of course would be a last resort, as this is essentially chemical warfare.
We'll see what that "elemental defense" does for them against a few Tsar Bombas.
They have poision defence. Again we have Aerial advantage since they cant shoot up in the air. We be fine in towers with sandbags since they cant jump too.
I would go into their ranks incognito, then find one who does not wish for the carnage, an invite him over to my house, where we will play games all day, and use what bs we learned in the games to add to our own combat skills, then have a team deathmatch with the rest of the SK community.
And when all else fails, I'll just 'real'ise my story characters to pwn them all ><
the SK would detect large amounts of energy being produced with electricity, geothermal, hydroelectric, fuels, etc. and want to take it all to power up the Skylark, so they would go around killing the natives of the planet to get the the "Core," AKA very very big power plant.