Tattoos are fun and there are a wide variety of them out there. If you could have a GAMER tattoo what would it be?
Please don't read this...I'm scared :(
Excuse me? I'm just trying to pass the time while waiting for the servers to come buzz kill much?
Hazel, I understand your frustration, but that didn't answer the question----which means they'll probably just bump their own thread, or make a new one, or continue with not reading announcements.
Wyneon, there are already multiple threads about this, and Nick posted an official announcement about the fact that the servers were going down for maintenance. You REALLY should read announcements, and read other people's threads before you post a new one, because your question is probably already answered in another thread.
EDIT: You also edited your first post to something completely different----etiquette on the forums is to put EDIT in front of whatever you change, so people know you've made the change. I know you're trying to save yourself a little embarrassment, or you really are trying to pass the time, but it kind of annoys people when they notice you do those sorts of things.

A few months ago a friend of mine, who is an up-and-coming nature photographer, decided to spend a day and night alone in the woods outside of our town. She wanted to get photos of the woods and wildlife as naturally as she could for her portfolio. She wasn’t afraid of being alone, as she had camped by herself many times before. She set up a tent in the middle of a small clearing and spent the day taking pictures. She filled up four rolls of film on that trip, but something was strange about them. What she saw in those pictures has stayed with her ever since, and she is still trying to recover from the trauma the have caused her.
Almost every picture was accounted for, save for one picture in each roll of film. These pictures were of her, asleep in her tent in the middle of the night.
Lol, I didn't press refresh when I posted this so then I get attacked by these people that I didn't read the ONE other post about this situation. Sorry I shall learn to refresh more often as to not offend people like Hazel. MY BAD!

i never said i was offended. i was more amused by your thread title and then what the original post was actually about. and then the replacement. chillax bro

Hey man, it's cool. This kind of stuff happens.
And yeah, ignore Hazel, as he gets paid to be such a fanboy.
@djbiznatch Oh screw that! I would be scared out of my mind if that happend to me. Yeah no thanks lol
Yeah I'm drunk right now so I saw your name up there lol...I edited the post as not to offend you either LMAO :P

I don't know OP I'd probably get one of those water tattoos from a candy wrapper and show it off like a top-gamer boss

btw that was creepypasta so its neither real nor original

I think it's still pretty amazing that you can manage to copy and paste something.
Naked Samus, on my left butt cheek.
Yeah but if it did happen I don't think I could live with myself. I would feel really really dirty. Like someone is watching me undress but I notice them watching, but I don't stop undressing. For some reason it excites me so I ask him for his phone number so he can watch me undress at regular intervals. Luckly I met a carpenter a few weeks ago that said he would build me a "Peeping Tom Pedestal" right outside my bedroom window so Hank...oh didn't I mention his name was Hank? Well anyways I bought a burger at McDonalds today and that's why I'm gasy. Huh what were we talking about?

I'd get a tattoo of Nick Popovich and Keanu Reeves fighting in the air DBZ style on my back.
With 12/12/2012 underneath it.
@erogath Would she be shooting a charge beam towards your forbidden dragon cave?

Ain't no dragons in there, man.
Only poo snakes.
I'd rather have Ms. Pacman chomping on my behind if you catch my drift.
Please stop making threads about this.