Sky-Tac is currently seeking active members. New players and veterans are both welcome to apply. The primary function of the guild is to act as a support for its members in achieving their personal goals and to run the Clockworks as a team. If there is sufficient interest, we may form a Lockdown team as well. If you are a new player, this is a good opportunity to get in on a guild while it is new. Additionally, if you are looking for pointers on the technical aspects of play, we can help with that. I am personally willing to assist individuals in getting their 2* and 3* gear as well.
For those interested, contact Amaragne or Kilbride via the forums or mail.
If possible, please include the following information:
IGN: (please, no offensive names)
Tier Access: (1-3)
Current Loadout: (just to assess where I can help, if needed)
Play Lockdown: (yes, no, whether or not you enjoy it, etc.)
Feel free to include any other details you would like to share.
See you in the Clockworks!
I've been playing since the beginning of April and have seen much of what the game has to offer. I'm a competitive Tier 2 Lockdown player, have done countless Jelly runs and have defeated Vanaduke. I would say that I am better than average as a technical player and I try to keep up with the economy. My next goal is to craft some of the gear from Sanctuary.