Im not sure about this, but is the higher the level of tier that you run, do i also get more money or more heat?
kind off...
first stratum gets you next to nothing of both, second stratum (after basil) you'll get more (T3 FSC gives the most ammount) also arena's, jelly farms and graveyards hold a lot of coins in said stratum
Odd number strata (the top half of each tier) give you substantially fewer crowns than the even number strata. Stratum 5 gives you slightly fewer crowns than stratum 2.
That really doesnt matter, soon thanks to certain people you would have to spend even all your tier3 earnings on CE or you wont be able to even afford it.
But yea, the lower you go the more you get, arena lvls are especially great for heat and crowns.
As far as a single tier goes, you get less crowns and heat before the clockwork terminal (Basil) than you do after.
However, as tiers go, Tier one gives less than Tier two, but Tier 3 gives less heat and crown than Tier 2 does, except when inside the Tier 3 specific boss-strata, Firestorm Citadel, which gives about 7-8k crowns a run, as opposed to Jelly kings 5k crowns.
Yes to both!