Lost 6k CE on Fiery Atomizers. ;;
What about all you SKers, whats the worst ragecrafts you've had?
Rage crafting y u so cruel to me
My first uv was a sleep resistance. Then a worthless damage bonus. Then an asi on a 1* gun i made for the sake of getting all weapons. UV's don't like me either.
I've been trying to get a decent bombing set going, and I've probably made 30 Spiral Demo sets since I've started this quest. Only notable UV I've gotten is a freeze med on a helm. ._.
lol, at that point wouldn't it be better to just craft then buy a UV? that's 18 1UV, or almost 5 2UV items
unless you plan on selling all 6k of what you made for a decent price
my fav, lol, is getting a slime bonus low on the barb thorn line, quite useless, but if fighting multiple types at once, atleast it does a little more damage then it would otherwise
on the more useful side i got a shock med. on the wolver coat line
I make Wolver coats and Caliburs, and my odds are about 1:10; I get mainly Lows and a few Meds, and only two or three double-UVs. I'm making a small profit daily, but I'm interested: What are your UV odds?
UV odds are 10%, so u got it!
@ Npsx This is crafting, thats why its called rageCRAFTING, so this inst UV ROLLING. UV rolling you lose money but get results faster, ragecrafting you can make small profit if you craft the right things but VERY low chance of actually getting something notable. I ragecraft spiral demos, I got freeze resist Max! Huh....i actually got something max, but i dont want it, and no one else wants it.....(BTW if you do want ti ill sell it for 50 k cr!)
Do items with UVs sell for more when selling to vendors than selling the same items without UVs?
Maybe it's harder for bombs, given that the desirable UV is less probable than others. I've noticed that people seem to have crafted a lot of haze bombs with little to decent results. But let's keep it low. I've gotten a shock maximum UV on my 2nd or 3rd UV on the magic hood, so I guess it depends for some. Also gotten a wolver some shadow high(that I mistakenly sold for 1700 ce before checking out the average price) and one with a 3 uv combo shadow medium with a normal and shock low with another, but I had to craft like over 30 times to finally get a UV I believe. The luck will be there, you're probably just experiencing bad runs now that will even out.
But I just realize that since some of us have been operating below costs that adds up to 2k+ per craft, and the chance of getting a UV is roughly 1/10, that it may add up to what approximately might cost around the same as getting one UV from Punch. Of course if you go the Punch route, you might lose mist and multiple UV opportunities, but I guess you decrease the probability of getting a low UV? I guess that may the reason they pushed the cost of getting a UV up to 20k.
Hm, but it's best to keep this topic infrequent, feel bad when this comes up.
My first UV would either be an ASI low on blaster or stun low on Cobalt helm.
First UV I ever bought, I rolled an ASI High on my Cold Iron Carver. Was quite happy. Then spent ~240K on a bunch of crap UVs for other gear.
i have a strange urge to laugh at u and pity u at the same time...
the wort rage craft that i did wasn't really a rage craft. i keep on crafting cobalt helms/armor in hope of getting a good uv, but no uv so far. i just sell the bad ones on the AH.