and why are there no pics of him online!?
will vog come back one day?

If you're talking about THE Vog, He's just more Spiral knights folklore, like king tinkinzar the gremlin king, and alpha squad.
If you're talking about the Vog cubs, they were only in the SK trailer, because they were in the preview event, but have since been removed, like the tortodrone.

I have data, from a very reliable source, that they planned to bring them back and had special plans for them.
It's a pretty vague statement. Maybe they'll come back holding paws with tortodrones.

You know...we're still a while off from a year up. I would put money on tortodrones and vog cubs (OMG scary looking) coming back for the anniversary.

"and why are there no pics of him online!?"
Someone posted one here
You can also see it with Spiral Spy app

Been a looong time since we've seen Vog Cubs. I was always excited to see Vog come in as the newest T3 boss, but I've yet to have that dream come true.

Vog is the fire deity of Cradle who looks like a gigantic volcanic Snarbolax with 1000x times awesomeness and size. Oh well with your current screen set camera you could only see his hairs if you might have chance to take a look at him.

volcanic snipes are awsome
ps there invisible

@Marqui, I, Pawn, am part of the Alpha Squad. I've descended the steps from the Palace of Almire. I've seen it's smoldering ruins as we escaped in our pods. I've been to the Core and back. My Alpha Squad has sent me to show you the way....
Unfortunately i got sidetracked rolling triple UV's and opening Lockboxes...
Also, Alpha Squad leader said not to come back without bringing him a prismatic halo, wings, and scarf. So yeah, we're pretty much all screwed because of lockboxes.
wait i think u speak of vog cubs not vog himself. no one has seen vog ever