Recently, there was recent mail stating that there are new accessories on the AH. From what I see this as, is a dirty scheme to raise the price of CE. What happens after the price raise of CE is that F2P players can't afford CE and must buy CE in order to actually play. As most of you will say "you can always use mist" or something in that sort. However OOO is just gettin' greedy. Lets say I want accessory. 750 CE for a regular key is alright, matching the TF2 key counterpart. The outcome, is not even 50-50. Most stuff you can get out of TF2 crates is worth about 1 to half a key, but in SK, I have trouble selling an accessory for 10k, about 1/6 of the key itself. Right now the state of SK's economy is just..horrible. Only P2P players can stick with this, while F2P players either sit in Haven and do nothing. I know OOO does almost nothing the players ask, but let me get this straight, how does indirectly putting everything not affordable motivate a F2P player to pay up?
To OOO, stop feeding us old stuff

ITS ALL A CONSPIRACY SET UP BY OOO! actually, no. this will LOWER the price of CE overall. yes, i understand that people are angry, but you just have to deal with it and hope that they will make them show up in boxes. (this is coming from a 5* F2P that has no intentions of buying any of these accessories)

dude because (and most likely) of those accessories CE prices decreased, i saw it going from about 6,800 to 6,300... dont complain?
Be happy :)

I remember at launch when CE was 1000... good times, good times.

Agreed. I loved that...
Also, people who say CE is too high, be quiet please. Before steam it was about to hit 10k, and if I remember right, sometime in beta it hit 22k, right? I have bad memory. :P
Either way, I wish I could log on soon to sell all my CE. ._.

I foresee larger numbers than I thought possible in the auction this weekend. Wings and Halos? So, so many people want those. People are saying that because rich players want these items, the price of CE will drop--true, but where does that CE come from? This event is a great way for OOO's sales to go up, maybe even motivate F2P players to buy some (or a ton. Maybe people who's okay with leveling their gears slowly would go crazy over wings, who knows). I personally think that dangling such expensive content and objects in front of newbies and F2P people sucks, but it's like that in every single MMO I've ever played. All the end-game content--and a large, large percentage of decorative content--is unthinkably expensive for a lot of people. All in all, I'm not surprised about something like this...
Think my entire fortune of 200k crowns will get me anything? :P

Before steam it was about to hit 10k
No it wasn't. My records aren't that exact, but it doesn't appear it was over 7.3k very much and near the peak, it was around 7.1k or so.
but, back to the OP, as others have said, you have it backwards. A crown sink will, in general, make crowns rarer, and therefore more valuable, and specifically, there is a real good chance that whoever wins the auctions will have to sell CE to do so. Putting these kind of rare accessories on the AH is good for F2P, as are selling shadow keys on the AH for crowns instead of brinks for CE.

spiral knights economy has been on a downward spiral ever since uv rolling and ce unbinding patch came on. Materials are utterly worthless nobody has incentive to rage craft anymore which was the best way to sell materials (also good way for new players to make some money)/ all unbinding vanilla or useless uv 5* items go for around 5000ce which is barely a profit for the seller and is actually expensive for the buyer. Then accessories come along and now instead of putting money into buying people's max and very high uvs people are spending thousands of ce on a aura/side blade/tail and others. Now don't get me wrong they are nice changes but have hampered this economy and forcing people to sell lower and lower and lower. Also the rarity of having such items have been diminished greatly. I also believe that you are taking a risk when you decide to spend 750ce on a silver key sometimes there are high rewards such as getting a wolver tail or halo. If you get a common accessory and it sells for nothing it a risk you took when you bought the key. Just like its a risk with uv rolling you might get a max or a vh in one roll or get nothing useful in 20 rolls. Just my opinion feel free to agree or disagree.

you have it backwards. Even if "... the state of SK's economy is just..horrible" I have a hard time believing it since you got that whole price of CE thing as far from right as possible. It might be, but I'm even less sympathetic to the idea given your post.
Hollafamer, risk is inherent in any economy. Stating that there is risk involved is like saying sometimes you walk on a sidewalk. Ok, but who cares? If people want high end UVs and accessories enough it will be profitable to take on that risk on a large scale. If you're just going to open up a lockbox or two, you're being a moron or you just feel like gambling a bit. In neither case will I consider a complaint about the level of risk justified.

Clearly OOO is going to use all the crowns earned from the auctions and buy their own CE back.
THEN, they will burn ALL the CE to revive in lockdown.
What a scam.
Pre-steam was 8K IIRC.
But honestly.
The auctions take crowns out of the game econoomy --> CE prices decrease. Confused.
Heck the Volcanic Wings have a current bid of 1.6M crowns. Current CE prices are ~6.2K/100CE.

I remember at launch when CE was 1000... good times, good times.
Yeah, I remember that hour, too. And then it jumped.
CE has been going down.

Pre-steam was 8K IIRC.
Why, I remember when I was your age, I had to walk 10 miles to school in blizzards and it was up hill both ways!
Again, I've looked at my records and done some forum searches. I can't find anything that indicates that, after the game went public, that the CE exchange rate went over 7.3k and most of the time during the peak, it was 7.1k or less.
Can you point me to anything that backs up your memory of it being 8k? If it helps your search, my records show the peak was around 2011-06-08.
I think you don't understand what this implies. If people feel inclined to get lots of crowns to get the accessories at AH, they will sell energy, and the price of CE will then lower, not rise.
So actually OOO is shooting themselves in the foot to actually cater us, the F2P players. And I see it a pretty awesome gesture.
You can't get your lil tail in your Wolver Coat? Don't worry, you will eventually get it... get your gear first, then make yourself look unique! ^^