Old timers finally get at shot at those ultra-rare accessories they've been clamoring for.
Three Rings gets people to spend money on CE which they will convert to crowns in order to bid on the AH items.
The CE prices will go down drastically as people try to sell it to get crowns to use in bidding.
(That's my prediction anyway. I expect to see it below 5,000 by Sunday.)
Ultra- Rare Accessories in the Auction House - Brilliant! Everyone wins!
Don't be such a sore butt, Asukalanforum.
I want those wings, but I don't even have enough to bid for them at current prices. Imagine how much they will go by sunday? Madness ! But it's all good faith and fun :D
Not really not going to bid on the rare accessorys because rich(waste there money) can get the stuff.I saw wing that bid on like 1,234,777. I didnt even bother on ther other rare ones.
and everyone dont win
Yeah, I've got money but not that much money, lol.
OOO has been experimenting a lot lately on how to get wealthy players to spend their money (be it in CE or crowns, since they're interchangable). Gambling UVs and unbinding went over pretty well. Anything to do with lockboxes, not so much.
They should rip off the booster pack concept from Wizard 101. You spend some money (crowns in that game, equivalent to CE here), you get a pack with some random items in it. There's a few that are highly desirable but rare, some that are useful that fairly common, and a lot of slightly useful stuff that you can sell for gold if you don't need or want it. Of course, this game is much more one-dimensional that Wizard 101 and has a miniscule playerbase in comparison, but the same concept could work I think.
lol, it will hardly reach 6k thanks for those bid blockers made by not punished exploit abusers.