Basically, a bunch of players will be thrown in an arena mounting wolvers. The objective is to attack with the spears to throw other knights out of their mounts.
Wolver become more and more anrgy and will move on it's own, potentially throwing their capturers on their own unless you collect the various "bones" that will randomly spawn on the arena.
The shield button will cause a recharging bark, that makes near wolver angry and more violent.
You need 3 hits to KO someone or 1 charged attack.
Spiral Rodeo - Krogmo Edition

That is a Slag Guard spear, wielded by Slag Guards during the Vanaduke fight. Still, this is an interesting idea I must admit. Definitely different than everything else that I have seen suggested.

I though of a few game modes:
Players are on wolvers, which always run and will bite anything it comes into contact with from the front, most of the time players have spears, every time a player is hit by a spear they get crippled, if hit multiple times while still crippled that function is totally disabled.
Head: Takes double damage, no crippling
Sides: Turn slower on that side, or completely loses the ability to turn.
Back: Loses speed, loses lots of speed
Sides: Unable to turn in that direction
also there's a very short charge attack, which let's you throw your spear.
Alpha Rodeo:
Everyone spawns as an alpha with a spear, each with 15 hearts. The spears are pretty weak and only do one heart worth of damage, but much like I stated on the top they cripple the wolvers momentarily, also those wolvers have an aura that heal normal wolvers. The first time someone dies they start riding a normal wolver, but now they have a sword which does twice as much damage. The team with the last alpha standing wins.
Shepsie mode:
Everyone is on a normal wolver, that are equipped a "scream bomb" which makes all shepsies in the radius turn 180 degrees, while the call bomb makes all shepsies turn towards the center of the bomb. And, the normal spear. The point of the game is to "capture" sheep by being in their "radius" for three seconds, when there's no enemies in their radius. Shepsies on your side will follow the nearest ally. Once they get into your pasture, they'll disappear the next wave and you'll score a point.
Shepsies: Are inspired from sheep and look like clouds, they have team colored horns borrowed from slime colonies. They run randomly when they're spawned.
Waves: Every ten seconds shepsies are dropped from a "clockwork style" elevator. At the same time, all shepsies in pastures are dropped from an elevator.
My take.

I'd play it. Though the krogmo collesium is a monster collesium, so having monsters do work, save for the devilmites that run the place, kinda dosen't make sense. I still want this to be in-game though.
Whoa whoa whoa... where'd you get that spear? Is it an in-game spear? And on topic, I kinda like the idea. I'll await to see others on this, however.