I see this section is where most of the fan fic's, fan art, and occasional RP happens. Custom Roleplay is a pretty new guild made about 4 days ago. We only have 3 members so far, yes, only 3. We're a group of friends who want to start seeing some RP in the game. Over these past 4 days we've neglected trying to recruit while trying to decide how to handle the guild.
Our general idea as of now is to have a quest system. Log on, do whatever you want. Feeling bored, ask for a quest. Not only will the quest give rewards (crowns for now), you will gain Exp based on the difficulty, which add up to ultimately earn a promotion in the guild. Friends in the guild can partner up into a Duo, and for bigger Guild runs, Duo's can be brought together to make a full 4-party squad for RP "expeditions".
If you have suggestions, are interested, or just want to talk about the guild, post here. Thanks for reading :3.
Is it possible to join without being in the guild? I kind of don't want to leave where I am now