What do you think about weapon evolves when it reaches the lvl max?

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Magnonite's picture

Or just keep evolving, and when it reachs the lvl max, it will get the perfect form, i'll give an exemple:

>>>lvl 2 to lvl 4 = it glows, some random color

>>>lvl 5 to lvl 7 = it starts to evolve, it gets more agressive, not that much 'cause still lvl 7

>>>lvl 8 to lvl 10 = it gets the perfect form, agressive and shiny

I know what I'm asking for is something annoying, since you DEVs have to create new 3D models, but think about it, i guess its a good suggestion and would improve the desire to play.


Legacy Username
pointless cosmetic gravy! it

pointless cosmetic gravy!

it would be fun though

i don't think they'd necessarily have to make new models, just some glowy affects

Legacy Username
From experience, I know items

From experience, I know items with glory affects are very sought after by players in many, many games. If these were to be added into the game, I'd suggest that they not be based on a weapons level, because that would greatly reduce the rarity of the effect, as well as the specialness of it. Instead, I would prefer it to be a possible unique element that can be added when crafting.

Legacy Username
Weapons already sort of do

Weapons already sort of do "evolve" through crafting.

Or you mean cosmetic only. I dunno. It's easy to max out an item. Adding a glowie to it would just make it so players can see who doesn't have their weapon maxed.

Magnonite's picture
It would be just for

It would be just for appearance, the weapon already gains power as it lvl up, so why not change his appearance, its just for fun guys ^^

Sorry for the bad english!

Maybe a color change option

Maybe a color change option when you weapon gets to lv10?

The glowing thing is over rated imo.....

Legacy Username
Strongly in favor of.

Strongly in favor of.

Pauling's picture
Killing enemies, one frame at a time

If this was implemented, I'd prefer a static color or other visual change- a translucent glowing effect would probably slow down my computer during battle, and make me less effective. (especially in the last super-busy arena level)

Legacy Username
Personally, I'd suggest we

Personally, I'd suggest we worry about fluff after the content's solved, eh? :P

Legacy Username
Not a bad idea

Though, only cosmetic, only when it reaches at max level, some superficial changes, and the color could be static, to do not cause major lag, but with an option to make it translucedent in the graphics options...