It does do something. I saw. I made a fourm for that secret on aurora isles with the hidden key, but that one turned out to be on the wiki. I didn't see the button on there however, so I'm wondering if this is honestly a secret.
How many other people know what the button does on smoldering steps?
It shouldn't be, as I've been in pugs that have known. The people that cared about it typically found out, I would assume most that don't know are the ones who really didn't care so much.
I know what it does, but I forget about the path most of the time. It's an "out of sight, out of mind" situation, even though every time I douse those flames, I tell myself to remember it.
Half the people I play with seems to not read the forums since i always have to go for those boxes myself while they yell "hurry up" from the elevator
I just wennt on FSC with one of my freinds, he knew about the treasure so at the end I saw him do it and I went, WTF!? ever since, I keep forgeting about the ghost block and facepalm when im on the elevator...
Never knew that strange button had play in that though....
Marazo = me.
I am one again just regular
People noticed it within a day or two of the change... See: Mysterious button in FSC - SOLVED