Can You Equip 5 Star Equipment Without Having the Previous Items?
Can You Equip 5 Star Equipment Without Having the Previous Items?
Sun, 11/13/2011 - 15:18
Sun, 11/20/2011 - 11:06
But some items say they
But some items say they require the previous items...
Sun, 11/20/2011 - 11:30
If you have an item, you can
If you have an item, you can equip it. You can equip a Cold Iron Vanquisher whenever you please (except in the middle of a level), even if you just got to the rescue camp.
When it comes to crafting however, if you're making an item that's an upgrade from a previous version, Sealed Sword > Avenger > Divine Avenger for example, you'd need a Level 5 Sealed Sword to craft an Avenger and a Level 10 Avenger to craft a Divine Avenger.
(Level 1 for 3* Gear, Level 5 for 4* Gear, and level 10 for 5* gear)
Sun, 11/20/2011 - 11:47
"But some items say they require the previous items..."
Thats for crafting, read what i wrote, please:
"the only way to do so would be by buying items from other players wich costs a lot. "
Yes, but the only way to do so would be by buying items form other players wich costs a lot.