I was just wondering if OOO sold game cards at stores which could be bought and redeemed, rather than a credit card purchase.
Does OOO sell game cards?
Mon, 11/14/2011 - 15:15
Mon, 11/14/2011 - 15:54
Yes and no
While SK doesn't
Yes and no
While SK doesn't sell cards specifically for themselves, they are grouped with the "Ultimate game card" which you can buy from most game stores, including gamestop, and is priced at $20, so you can buy one of the energy packs.
So yeah, you can get a card that works (It's what I did), and it's grouped with SK, it's just not made specifically for SK.
Mon, 11/14/2011 - 16:26
thanks for the information, so SK is supported by the UGC (Ultimate GameCard)?
Dunno if there's an age limit; didn't read that far in. But here's your solution! :)