Because I can never see their spikes.
Polyps are the hardest enemies ever.
I''ve never found the Polyps to be much of a hassle and I'm wearing armour with no piercing resistance whatsoever.
I find them more annoying than the other turrets yes, specially when they are frozen polyps. Have still soloed 8 of them shooting at me, on 4 player games. Have died to them too though :P But hardest I dont think so, its only difficult if they are massed, but that isnt always the case.
The picture is crazy, cant imagine if it was tier 3
So to avoid situations like Geekfox's, you should avoid killing the last mob of the previous wave that spawns the 8 turrets.
Kill 3 turrets of the 4 turret wave to prevent spawning the next set of mobs (I like doing one of the top ones since the camera angle means you can see the bullets coming.)
Then kill the remaining mob to spawn the 8 turrets while standing in one of the corners (lower left or right.)
I'm sure Geekfox knew about this, but for you other readers, this the two branches waves of arenas may not be something you noticed before.
Lo and behold, some awesome wiki editors have even put it into the wiki.
Oh god, Giannii, if that was T3 I don't know what I'd do. These are the worst for status themed stratums because I usually don't have a pierce shield, so after one or two hits, I'm doomed.
I really like the pierching sword you have there, Geekfox.
In T2, Polyps are absolutely no problem. In T3, freeze and shock polyps on the other hand...
They're absolutely manageable if all people in the team know what they're doing even in T3 though. There are enemies much more irritating (like that double Alpha wolvers spawn just before the polyps, but I digress)
Imagine that, but with rocket puppies. Nobody survived that mess, I'm sad to report. We lol'd pretty hard about it, and one guy wasted all his ME just to see if we can do it--nope, didn't work. T3 rocket puppies are one of my worst fears, after fiends (mostly greavers).
Polyps aren't a problem. T3 rocket puppies are worse.
The better to poke gremlins and wolvers with. :V
I had Divine Avenger and Catalyzer-line weapon equipped as well. Who wouldn't. lol
But yeah, this is few of those screenshots (a.k.a. "moments") where me or my teammates made a systematic error.
LOL, yes.
I know, I have one too. I was merely trying to bring up the irony of the screenshot where you suddently had 12 slimes show up while holding the less usefull sword against them. Absolutely hilarious ;D
Try playing against flamethrower puppies in the 3rd section of a fire + slime arena.
"Because I can never see their spikes."
if he can't see the spikes they shoot i can imagine it's the hardest enemy in the game...
and yes like allready stated T3 rocket puppy's are killer :( devilites are a close 2nd man if you get the party button area's they can destroy you in seconds (they trow a lot faster then T2) even with shadow armor your screwed
greavers stop attacking when you hit them ONCE people, i don't realy have trouble handeling them (and also a tip in T3 WHEN a greaver attacked don't just stand there! run away because even when you shield they will cause a status effect -> the shock effect can and will keep you unable to attack as long as your in the same spot)
also if you realy can't see the spikes, did you send a bug report?
To mention about T3 rocket puppies arenas, the main strategy at the beginning is not to swing but keeping the shield up, and stand behind another puppy so the puppy you stand behind is taken out by others' rockets. To note, a rocket puppy can hurt all enemies aside from itself with its own rocket.
I make it a business to always tell team mates to "keep the last mender alive" before I step onto the group button of third round. If I get a "why?" in return I will explain, and tell them if they screw up I'll kick immediately.
Had too much bad experiences from fire/shock themed arenas with polyps and wolvers... block: you die. Move: you also die. If I suspect a team mate will still make the mistake, I will either kick/solo or wait for another map.
Oh they're not hard. Problem?
FYI: Yes, I survived that mess.