this one will be short but from what ive found out ive soloed with 2 weapons a faust and avenger (FA combo for short ) to me they seem like the perfect fit because the avengers charge attack is like any guns high powered charge and faust can curse just about everything and is good when facing jellies in high quantities obviously if im facing undead ill use my avenger also avenger seems like the best choice if anyone wants to duo vanaduke(i havent really heard of anyone soloing him but there probably is someone who has) so far ive soloed to T2 with FAcombo still tryin to figure out how to crowd contol without getting damaged so any opinions or tips would be gladly taken :D have a spiral day
How to : Solo
this is more for people how to get crowns not for noobies if it was for new players dont you think i would have put it in new recruits section and its not that difficult this is more for players who are just getting their feet on the ground and know some basics thats why its in general and im not telling you, thats my OPINION just because that's how i solo doesn't mean other people cant solo differently that's why i asked for opinions plz read it if your gonna says something like that and i rather have the whole community help out and make a real "how to " so that we can discuss the pros and cons and a reader can come to his or her most liked preference
This is the worst how-to I have ever seen...
How to guides aren't supposed to have strict requirements such as what you did up there.
Punctuation, PLEASE.
My eyes are bleeding.
Anyway, I don't think anyone who can get a Faust and Avenger needs advice on how to solo.
Here's some real tips:
Good Swords for Soloing: Sealed line and Troika line. You want something with a very high knockback so you can keep people away from you. Avoid Cutter unless you are very good at hit and run. Avoid doing the full combo unless you're sure you have enough time to recover. A single flash is usually preferable
since the recovery period is much shorter.
Good Bombs for Soloing: Freezing Vaporizer and Blast Bomb. Again, the knockback/crowd control is crucial for soloing.
Good Guns for Soloing: I don't use guns anymore but if you do, you want one of the elemental guns. The reason is because Constructs are the ones you really need guns for, and piercing sucks against them. Having an elemental gun allows you to snipe gunpuppies/mech knights very fast and safely, whereas a piercing gun would take you much longer. Shadow is fine too, I guess, especially for Jelly runs.
I shall now write a guide that, in comparison, shines with magnificence and glory, and is actually legible.
How do you solo, you ask?
Very carefully.
no make it thats what i want i want people to share their opinions so that other people can know i know i appreciated it when i started but there was only a couple back in preview
I'm sorry but are you seriously telling people who can't solo to get two 4* swords to do that in t2?
(Tip: it's not a good "howto")