I think there should be constume helmets that look like Mender hats, and more Wrench Wands. As it is, Wrench Wands have only 1 in their Alchemy path. I think they should be given a revamp! Post some of your idea for Wrench wands.
Changes: First Wand is 3 stars now. Different Graphics!
•Tenderfoot Wand: 3 Stars, Normal Damage, High Bonus vs Construct
Appearance: A Wrench Wand with a green crystal and a wooden staff.
•Ironclaw Wand: 4 Stars, Normal/Elemental Damage, High Bonus vs Construct
Appearance: A Wrench Wand with an orange crystal and silver staff.
•Darkfang Wand: 5 Stars, Normal/Shadow Damage, High Bonus vs Construct
Appearance: A Wrench Wand with a purple crystal and a gold staff.
•Tinkizar's Wand: 5 Stars, Elemental Damage, Chance of Fire, Freeze and Shock, Shadow Lair Obtainable Only
Appearance: A Wrench Wand with a red crystal and a gold staff.
Gremlin Equipment?

As one who has used the Wrench Wand before and liked having a sword whose charge delivers a gun-range projectile, I for one would also like to see further entries in its line . . . however, as with Windsickle, I don't really see the point of having its damage change like that. Instead, just keep it running the same sorts of damage it did before (wasn't it just pure normal with elemental only dealt by its charged shot?), and have each rank buffed up somewhat. And yeah, a status inflicted upon the victim would be nice, but I think it should be tied to the charged shot (after all, it's just a wrench that can shoot an energy bullet in the long run, might as well make the energy bullet worth the charge time).
Keeping it only able to do shock for that final one would certainly do good for its likelihood to exist, though I'd like it to NOT be Shadow Lair Only -- after all, with how unpopular the Wrench Wand is now, I get the impression that having to break one's back for the final entry in the line would only kill enthusiasm for it before it even got off the ground.
As for Windsickle's other ideas, I get the impression that a flamethrower would probably be a gun that looks like the Gremlins' existing ones but smaller (hand-held and all that), and fire shots like the Wrench Wand does for its normal shot . . . with the charged shot being the flamethrower we know and loathe being victims of. Possibly make it so you have to remain still while using the flamethrower, and make it so that later tiers of said flamethrower let you 'steer' the fire while you're launching it (just like the enemies do, but with less 'bend')? Just a thought positive.
You don't find it strange that in the same line of this weapon, that it constantly changes damage type? I don't think (normal) Gremlin Menders can even deal Shadow. I think this line should either stay Normal or Normal+Elemental. Also, the inflicting Fire, Freeze, and Shock at the same time is impossible (think about it). Did you mean Fire, Freeze, OR Shock?
Other than that, sure why not? But we'll need to upgrade the Thwack Hammer, the Deconstructors, and also add some flamethrowers too.