So as you guys see from the title, I just got to 4*. Planning to get full vog, BTS, grey owlite shield, Crest ofalmire, Glacius, Acheron, BTB, and Polaris.
But.. The price to craft a 5* is around 55k + recipe a piece.. I only play around 4 days a week, around 6 hour in a day.
So, after I thought I was soo close to end game, I realized the farming has yet to begin.
So I need some tips here... which equipment should I make first? Where should I farm? Should I hunt for the recipe or buy it on AH? Any help/tips/suggestion would be appreciated.
You could try farming JK and maybeeeee FSC. Both give great crowns and heat. One FSC run will net you enough to buy 100ce and have some left over so you technically could keep running it all day with a slow but steady net of ce. Not sure about JK runs though, as I've only done a couple here and there since the changes.