Hey! I've been playing a sword knight for a while. So far I've kept to the calibur alchemy tree, however I've been craving some diversity and been looking into getting a brandish. I liked the calibur for its neutrality, I could dive into any section of the clockworks and cause just as much havoc regardless of the stratum. However this benefit fails me when I switch to elemental damage. I'd like to get a brandish however I can't choose which element to go with. Fire, ice, shock, or Is there a better weapon for elemental damage that I should look into?
Which brandish is best?
Thu, 11/17/2011 - 19:11
Thu, 11/17/2011 - 19:28
*omg, type brandish in the
*omg, type brandish in the search. See many threads like this. Read these other threads.*
Thu, 11/17/2011 - 19:53
Now that someone has said it..
So now that you've had my bit with the the "specially for you" stuff here's some threads.
http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/27050 (A few funny posts in this one)
Probably not half of all we've had. =p
They're all good, though I love my brandish, you might want to look into the elemental sealed sword line.
If you're like me, however, and you love brandishs the way I do, then here's advice.
They're actually and surprisingly pretty evenly balanced.
I took the Shockburst line because the recipes from my view were free.
While Glacius and Combuster are both crafted like almost all swords.
The Shock line recipes are only obtainable by collect Krogmo Coins.
So if you're a frequent PvPer, then sure go for the shock line.
If you're not, and your planning to go to Firestorm Citadel in the future, then go Glacius.
If you're making it for places other then Firestorm, then Combuster is your best bet most likely.
So if you don't like PvP then this question is Combuster vs. Glacius. If you do then Voltedge < all.