I've always wondered; i hear skolvers take less damage than other people from spikes so..
Spike traps = Pierce damage?

Whenever you take damage, notice the colored pips that fly of you.
The color tells what kind of damage you took..
Example of normal and elemental damage.. (in case you didnt know)

*Only in T3, or half on T2, right?
I know monsters do scale, but i never paid attention to traps.

Only in T3, or half on T2, right?
I once tested spike trap damage in the training hall to see if piercing trinkets did anything. As a side effect, I discovered that it didn't make any difference at all what kind of armor you used, 5* skolver took as much damage as 0* proto. I never tested it in the clockworks though, my guess is that your armor doesn't matter much in T1, and as you said, half of piercing in T2 gets converted to normal damage.

Floor spikes do pure normal in T1, and the training hall is pretty much Depth 0 w/ stuffs.
Yes, floor spikes do piercing damage.