I haven't run across either of these 5* recipes yet, so I can't confirm the wiki information. Is it correct? If so I don't understand what the point of the set is. It has the same Normal/Piercing defense and health bonus as the Nameless/Justifier pieces, but has no kind of other bonus and lowers your Curse and Poison resistance. Someone forget to put a stat on these items?
Shadowsun set: is the wiki correct?
Thu, 04/14/2011 - 13:54
Legacy Username
Thu, 04/14/2011 - 15:27
Legacy Username
Gun damage bonus now? That is
Gun damage bonus now? That is interesting. Is that just for one piece or do both of them have it?
Thu, 04/14/2011 - 16:28
The wiki may or may not be up
The wiki may or may not be up to date on the armor. In the next 72 hours every stat image should be up to date for sure. Guns and Swords once the uploading bug is fixed.
Thu, 04/14/2011 - 17:52
Legacy Username
Even with a low damage bonus
Even with a low damage bonus we're still getting shafted compared to bombers and sword users.
They both get a strong ele/fire resist set with medium/medium bonuses.
Someone asked me this earlier when I was selling it.
I notice the normal defense is 'slightly' higher now, the poison/curse has 3 red bars instead of two, and it gives low gun damage bonus which I'm sure gets higher as you level it.
I probably should've screenied...