Does T3 give more cr than T2 or T1? I know it makes me sound like a noob but i'm just curious.
T3 question
The 2nd half of a tier normally gives more crowns then the first half of the next tier. Exceptions being arenas of course. With the current JK gate for example I'm making 2k off of Strata 1 (not Tier 1, just the first half of Tier 1) due to 2 arenas and a possible graveyard/arena.
T3 in general doesn't give particularly more crowns (FSC does, but it's a boss zone and is not all there is to T3). What it gives is better materials (4-5*). Find a philoso feather, for instance, and you can sell it for about 2K, which is more than you'll get for anything that drops in the shallower tiers (except maybe the very rare trojan horseshoe that you might get in tier 2). Not all 5* materials are worth quite so much, but a few of them can supplement the crowns you earn quite nicely.
Generally no, with exceptions like FSC.
The very final levels of Tier 3 offer a small bonus in rewards higher than any others in the game, but it's still somewhat subtle unless you get a Graveyard. But it's also much easier to die in, and revives are much more costly. There's quite a bit of risk for the small reward increase. Danger rooms & arenas can be free crowns in the lower tiers, in t3 they can be suicide.
What T3 offers though is materials. Some are worth up to 3000 cr each, or even more depending on the time of day. If you're soloing unpopular stages you can find them fairly often. For example, the first part of T3 in the very leftmost gate is a Beast stratum. The 5* ones are rare there, but you'll find tons of Monster Bones, Bushy Tails, Warp Dust, Drake Scales, Chroma Tears... all of which sell for 300 cr+ each.
Yeah, it does. Firestorm Citadel gives around 8k CR with each Almirian Seal being an additional 1k CR each if you vendor a 30 token piece.