this a rant if you think that ce is too high so lets stop buying and let it drop low agin say I or +1 if you agrey
the offical ce rant

This* is a rant.* If* you think that CE is too high, let's* stop buying and let it drop low again.* Say 'I' or '+1' if you agree.*
But, to answer you question: I

@Lanieu lol
It's up because of elevator passes, it will go down soon! (I hope)

It's a sad state of affairs. On one hand, Energy is less necessary and would be devalued due to it not being needed for elevators. But it seems players have been spending their now-free Crowns on Energy instead of the games' various crown-sinks and it's seriously putting the hurt on the economy.

@Dirt I've only ever used CE for crafting (save for oddball amounts I'll occasionally burn off at the end of a run), and given I don't much care for UV rolls the only crown sink I partake in is Lockdown and that doesn't burn off much.
So yeah, technically I'm one of the folks driving up CE prices, though I put all my bids in way low and let patience fill them in due time so I can't take the blame for too much upward price pressure.

i'll sum it all up
"the price of CE is too damn high!"

If OOO ( now Sega ) want's to lower the cost of CE all they have to do is lower the cost of UV rolls @ punch.
Make is 10-15k cr again and more ppl will want to sink there extra cr on UV rolls instead of CE. I know I was dumping a lot into punch before
they raised the price. Since the price increase I have not spent 1 cr on Punch. A low UV is not worth 20k cr to me, i'd rather buy CE with it.
If it was 10k Cr I would dump more into him again, got more gear that needs UV's ;D

-Let only the Game Developers control CE Price at around 4,000-5,000 crowns or less.
There is a radical way to make it turn back to 5,xxx crowns per 100ce.
Its risky but in the end would leave an individual (with some luck) the same amount he or she started with and in the end, appear like a good Samaritan.
~Here it is:
For those paranoid about someone hacking or even manipulating the market with higher prices, the same can be down with placing lower prices.
For instance, if say, I unloaded 20,000ce into the market at 5,xxx crowns per 100 I could make little changes between each price:
5xx1=100ce x50
5xx2=100ce x50
5xx3=100ce x50
5xx3=100ce x50
The low prices for the ce seller always topple the higher ones, so 20,000 ce translates into 50x100 ce into each. Given a leap of faith, if someone really is manipulating the market, the changes would appear obvious. But I believe that with this done the other sellers for ce would have no choice but to begin lowering their prices as more and more people begin to buy cheap. Again, this is very extreme and could be eventually achieved if a few (or one person willing to gamble it) unload the 200x100ce at a far cheaper price. In the end the competition will spur other people who desperately need to sell their CE to sell it lower than the 5xxx price I noted.

1*: 5 energy & 450 crowns
2*: 25 energy & 1650 crowns
3*: 100 energy & 6000 crowns
4*: 200 energy & 12500 crowns
5*: 400 energy & 25000 crowns

"Let only the Game Developers control CE Price at around 4,000-5,000 crowns or less."
All this will accomplish is creating a market that's perpetually sold-out, and you'll actually end up paying more for CE by doing direct trades with the people who happen to be standing next to the AH who can now sell with far less competition. (see Price Ceiling.
Every single F2P game I've played or heard of that has similar system has vastly more currency buyers than sellers. I don't think the elevator pass is really helping since it can potentially dramatically increase the crown supply (whereas before, the increase in crowns was offset by the reduction in CE for people doing CE runs) but inflation is inevitable.

Thar goes the CE neighborhood :P 6k was somewhat fine 7k is taking it to a whole new annoying level

+1 Boycot CE prices! NO to free market, if price would be fixed from beginning at constant lvl there would be no problems like that.

@Sinistermackz & Asukalanforum
Yep yep. Keep boycotting the CE! Makes it cheaper for me. X3

Dear diary,
Today I walked into the middle of a protest in haven 2 and tried to sell CE. Then I watched the protest fizzle out with Dogrock and Gwenyvier and some other guys.
Here are some parts I remember.
Me: /walks into the middle
Me: The ce price is too high
Me: Now I can't craft a bagel
Random guy: /shout THE CE PRICE IS TOO DAM HIGH
Some random guy with bad grammar: roit roit roit roit roit roit (I think he meant riot)
Me: That guy's grammar is a roit
Another guy watching: LOL
Guy who started the protest: Shoo! This protest went completely wrong because of you guys! Shoo!
Me: What shoe
I will immortalize these memories 4eva

does anyone else see something unflattering in the use of the term "elevator pass" as an item?
The term elevator pass is traditionally used to describe a ficticous item sold as part of a scam to an unsuspecting party, usually unexperienced or newb, that supposedly provides a amenity which does not exist.
+1 & my2c

"-Let only the Game Developers control CE Price at around 4,000-5,000 crowns or less."
What the heck? Are you a commie or what bro?
"Boycot CE prices! NO to free market, if price would be fixed from beginning at constant lvl there would be no problems like that."
If the market was fixed, no one would use it. They'd just use tradechat. Since you couldn't compare prices easialy, you'd end up paying like, 10k per 100CE.
Why do you guys ask for a lower price on the fourms? Seriously, it's not that hard to lower the price a couple 100 crowns. You guys are probabaly all slackers who use the "buy now" button, and give in to the sellers demands. If you don't like the price, list your own. If people like your own, it will fill up with additonal offers like a balloon. All the offers before it will quickly lower or sell out, and before you know it, CE cost's less!
That would work if the price wouldn't be manipulated...

It's an open market people. If you don't like it, don't buy it - and be grateful you are able to buy CE for crowns at all - and so efficiently.
You can always buy CE with real money if you need it so badly :D .
By the way Shamanno your windows needs updating, and your interest in typifying personalities is quite amusing.

Hi im back from a week and a half of non-Spiral
Sad tosee this has come up again, except
"Official ce rant"
Nope.avi There has been over 900000000000000000000000000000000000000
other threads like this in the past
I will update my windows when I'll feel like it, thanks for pointing that out. And why do you find my interest in MBTI amusing?

These threads will never stop rolling :) . I suppose it's good to have a place for people to rant meaninglessly. Even if it changes nothing, it strangely makes you feel better (akin to punching a bag or shooting a target at the range when you're upset).
@above post - in short, because I think lumping people into "buckets" of personalities is appealing, but ultimately insulting and counter-productive if you think about it. Then again I don't know much about the framework you were discussing - not that I would like to either way.

You know, in my opinion, one factor causing the CE price to be what they are is that most people generally prefer to keep their in-game currency in the form of CE.
What may help, is if OOO had some sort of 'bank' set up with some small interest gain, say 1%, to entice people to keep in-game currency in the form of crowns.
I don't know, just an idea.

official CE whining comp NO. 3859
search the forums before you start an other one of these QQ topics

I've played a few F2Ps now, and one thing I've noticed is in games that have a similar system with a tradable currency is that currency buyers always vastly outnumber (by about an order of magnitude, I'd estimate) currency sellers.
So if 10 people are bidding on each sale, and the poorest 5 decide to boycott, it won't actually lower the price any because only the top 2 or 3 people have any real effect on the price. The wealthiest F2Pers have no reason to boycott because they're doing just fine, and nothing happens.
The real solution is on the supply side. OOO needs to open up some major crown sinks. From what I've noticed, he only people who are CE rich and crown poor are new P2P players - nobody else has a real incentive to sell lots of CE. UV rolling is a start but it needs to be much, much more than that to encourage people with CE to sell it. Changing silver keys from CE to crowns would be a good start, maybe heat amps too, nobody buys those anyway.
I wouldn't hold my breath though. Almost everything OOO has done to this point has been to encourage people to use CE. Crowns are worth less and less every day, you just can't do enough with them.

You can manipulate it down the exact same way. Only you only need crowns to manipulate it down, as opposed to CE to manipulate it up. So lowering the price is free. It's seriously not that hard to just ask for the price you want.
People need to quit clogging up the fourms with these troll posts. I wish OOO would just ban these, though I understand that people would probabaly just rant about that too.

I think switching Vise and Krogmo bribes to crowns would both make a lot of sense and also bleed off a lot of cr from the economy.
ce costs two many corwns