As you can see in the topic, how do the monsters of Spiral Knights celebrate this holiday (that includes the ever-so busy devilites). Do they devour their foes in a grand feast, with noobs as the hors d'voeuvres? Do they go out on a grand spree of things? Anyway, now i'm starting to feel hungry (nom nom nom*). Oh yea, and have a happy thanksgiving (munches on royal minis as he types*).
How do monsters celebrate thanksgiving?
yep maybe they should and Juances you forget that they celebrated the dark Harvest Festival with their pumkin king doing trick or treats a few weeks ago.
That's because Halloween is pretty much an international celebration.
yer post is about how monster celebrate, monster didn't celebrate anything I didn't see a devilite in a creepy costume or a gremlin asking for candy.....
Only knights participated and that's because we are mind-controlling them with our computers :P
Maybe they'll do something for Christmas...
I can just see it now: The turkey king update!!! XD
I would expect some Christmas-themed event but probably not Turkey the very most a free Turkey Day Acessory.
Then once the strangers have eaten the gatherings of the gremlins, they send the gremlins into the core in what is known as the Trail of Gears
Then the strangers unleash hell on earth and bring the monster families into existence and the gremlins fight back with constructs
Once the knights come they befriend the strangers and blindly help the strangers in the massacre of gremlins
1st Lord V Turn on the Oven in his Lair and invite Every Player to join him for Dinner with out Equipment only friendship.
2nd Lord V and Monsters are happy to see Every Player came for thanksgiving day.
3rd Lord V and Monsters tell the players to say there prayers.... the problem is that there is no turky.... everyone looks and say were is the turky!
4th Lord v say You all are the Thanksgiving Dinner....
They ran out of turkys (turkeys? turkies?)
So they used a snipe instead
A very
large snipe.
It was bigger than Vanaduke... o yeah, it was possible *coughboswickcough*
It's an amercian holiday. It's not celebrated on every country (or planet :p)