Near end-game, which is more versatile? By versatile I mean useful when soloing but able to help the team when co-oping. Yes, I know neither of these are probably the "best" choice, but I just want a comparison of these two.
Dark Briar Barrage vs Sentenza
Apple + orange.
These weapons are so vastly different, in use and their relivence to the rest of your gear that there isnt even the possability of making a logical or rational comparison.
Edit- However in as much as the dark briar barage provides good pure piercing damage without a pushback effect I am going to go out on a limb and put it ahead of blackhawk in terms of versatility in genaral.
Setenza is absolutely terrible. Dark Briar Barrage is excellent.
That pretty much covers it.
Setenza being good against Wolvers and Gremlins, shame those are a couple of enemies that dodge like mad.
You won't be able to hit Wolvers, or Gremlins with Setenza.
Lets get to DBB. Luke, these weapons aren't that different.
DBB is supposed to be good against Wolvers, Fiends, Gremlins, and Undead. Thing is, unlike Setenza it's fantastic defeating them.
You'd be lucky to kill one Wolver or gremlin against Setenza, with DBB they will start being your fav monster in the game.
And fiends.
DBB > Setenza.
Rangerwill shouldnt that be
DBB > Sentenza
since DBB is greater than Sentenza
I'd like to know how much does Sentenza really shine in Lockdown, as I'm not so happy about my Hail Driver there...
So basically, Sentenza = PvP; Black Briar = PvE?
I have both and haven't used my Sentenza in PvE since I heated it to 10. Just collecting dust there. I used the DBB ever time I go to a Wolver Den, Wolver Clockworks or an Arena.
I kinda perfer Polaris to Sentenza in PvP. Depends what you need a gun for though. Polaris will close up a path and knock down a Guardian shield, Sentenza is better for sniping a bomber or to finish someone on the quick draw. As a bomber in PvP, it is just so easy to dodge Polaris while charging.
the reson the antiqua line does so well in lockdown is it has fast bullets and decent range, the bullet speed is a big thing because players dodge quite a bit, and strikers can actualy out run many of the slower bullets from other guns. Also the big magazine means its easier to not fire all the shots and have to reload. Nothing is a sure to kill a good gunslingerin lockdown like a reload. Also its great at catching somone whos trying to get away with their last few bars of health.
Polaris line is the other primary lockdown gun, because the aoe lets you aim at an area and the shock line can aply shock, which is easily the best lockdown status to inflict (except maybe curse, but even then, i think shock has a higher chance of resulting in my death than curse does)
You won't be able to hit Wolvers, or Gremlins with Setenza.
Setenza is absolutely terrible.
absolutely terrible.
with DBB they will start being your fav monster in the game.
Dark Briar Barrage is excellent.
is excellent.
Luke, these weapons aren't that different.That pretty much covers it.
So basically you just made my argument for me then proceeded to imply Im in need of correction?
You can't hit gremlins and wolvers with a sentaza?
are you even shooting it right?
You might be able to hit Gremlins, but Wolvers are almost impossible to hit with the gun.
The only gun you should be shooting Wolvers with, is a Callahan.
Dark Briar is just an exceptional bomb. Until that whole AP/Sentenza change happens (if it DOES happen), Sentenza has no purpose outside of Lockdown.
Sentenza is good against wolves and gremlin. They can dodge so it will take practice to understand their pattern. However , I prefer to use sentenza on gremlins as when you aim at one, others will just dodge if they stand in front of you. Shooting wolves is bit tricky as they sometimes attack while teleport next to you at the same time.
one is a gun other a bomb so they have different strengths(sentenza might become pure shadow)
DBB is better than sentenza.
Pure piercing damage, great radius and no knockback. No one will ever complain about you using it.
You will be loved and everyone will be happy.
You know you want it.
Did u guys know that nick plans to change sentenza from dual-type damage to pure shadow damage? :P
I doubt that it'll happen now that he didn't implement it in this patch.
I was dearly hoping, but it's looking bleak.
He might be waiting for more responses, but I don't know.
Put your thoughts down in his thread!
Sentenza being Piece/Shadow damage only does bonus damage to Gremlins and Beasts; both of which will dodge the shots like crazy. It's not a good gun for PvE, but it really shines in PvP with the lack of resistances to it.