tell me if you like hunting blade or not if not tell me what you think is better and tell me why
hunting blade
Ditto. And charge atk is pretty boss.
if you don't like piercing swords against beasts, and you like this combo, it's a good alternative. but lot of people say dread venom strikers is better (because of the chance to inflict poison, 5 chances/combo) but i just don't like fast weapons (neighter these or the piercing swords)
The Hunting Blade (HB) and Wild Hunting Blade (WHB) trade some damage for the Damage VS Beast that isn't worth it. The Dread Venom Striker and it's predecessor is much better mainly because it can inflict strong poison. But, however the WHB has a mean phantom Wolver on its attack.
I like my (Wild) Hunting Blade. 10/10 for style, and there's just something satisfying about connecting with all those hits.
As far as practical use goes, though, I find myself falling back on my Polaris or Shadow Driver quite often when things get messy, because it's really quite terrible at dealing with large mobs of monsters. You start attacking, and all of a sudden you find you're in the middle of five monsters all attacking at the same time. You could try shield cancelling and standing your ground (compared to charging in berserker-style), but it's rather hard to do consistently and I haven't gotten a tremendous amount of success with it.
It does do a fair job dealing with beasts (I went through a T3 beast stratum 5 solo earlier today, wasn't much trouble), but as my Snarble Barb doesn't get any love, I don't really have any grounds of making a comparison with it.
Overall, it works, but it's not particularly good. And yeah, the Venom Striker line is generally better in most situations, as the poison can boost your (and your team's) damage a bit and let you deal with enemies without Silkwings or menders honking at you.
Fun fact: The Wild Hunting Blade does more damage on the Roarmulus Twins than the Dread Venom Striker does, because the last giant wolver hit on its charge gets a tiny bit of extra range and can hit for an extra 30 damage.
Umm the last swing of a dread venom striker(charge or no charge) also has an extra bit of range too
if the wiki is correct (and i think it is in this situation) both the DVS and the WHB have the same damage output. if what you say was treu why should the DVS not get a trade off? they both do the same damage, DVS has chance to inflict poison WHB has increased dps against beasts so lhe latter is pure situational. making both good weapons imo, if you like poison every so often (and like Bluedrift said it's only actualy good vs RJ) or don't like piercing swords and want a fast normal damage sword hunting blade is the best option you can get (but still leaves you with fiends to counter tough)
most people here bow before the allmighty DVS, but in the long run the poison doesn't do anything... sure enemy's are weaker and can't heal (as much) during the time they are poisoned. the hunting blade deals the same ammount of damage, and when you encounter wolvers you can plow trough them like a lawnmower on steroids... now which one is better you think?
Now which one is better if your wearing full Skolver and have a BTS which is what you should be wearing for wolvers
ok you got a point there haha xD forgot that the bonus doesn't stack higher then maximum (3x medium)
The 5* star version looks better with all the phantom wolvers.