I am sick and tired of people complaining about "omg prices are too high" "omg I will never get 5 star gear." Guys, get over it. If you are not happy with OOO trying to make a decent update, then go somewhere else. There are millions of threads with the same thing over and over and over again. What are you trying to accomplish from making these threads, two people agree on something and then what, NOTHING. So I suggest you just go spend your time somewhere else instead of getting on everyones' nerves for the 50 millionth time. Go outside, read a book, play an instrument, WHAT EVER. If you would please (all the ragers out there) to do everyone a favor and to stop crying. Thank you.
sorry just raged on QQ topic number 6.586.407 so i i'm calm now haha :D
man i HATE the constant whining when CE goes up a bit... LIVE WITH IT (or like the op said go outside for a change)
It'd also help to the cause if countering threads weren't created either.
People whine and will continue whining forever; They won't even be reading or searching threads, they'll just post a new one and not even care. Nothing you can really do about it, unless GMs step in. (which they won't, by the way)
Parody and counter threads only really clog the forums further.
yeah GM's need to step in fast because this is getting anoying as hell...
im tired of these complaining threads all together.
Im tired of people who are tired with complain threads where tired people say what they are tired with everything and other people who are tired with tired people there say them to stop.
Personally, I don't think the CE prices is a major problem. You just gotta deal with it.
One thing I am QUITE PISSED about though, is the whole accessories thing. I spent WAY too much money on trying to get them, and it didn't make me any happier once I figured they released the rare accessories in the AH a week after I was BROKE because I had been trying to get them the HARD way! Not only didn't I get anything from the 200 lockboxes I opened, but I couldn't afford the accessories once they were put out in the AH either!
So yes, CE prices, deal with it. Gambling games, frikkin gimme my money back.
If they EVER decide to release another STUPID gambling game, I will not be fooled another time.
Oh and @Fatalswiftx, you're being sort of a hypocrite you know. Telling other people to stop complaining, yet you're complaining about their acts.
"If they EVER decide to release another STUPID gambling game, I will not be fooled another time."
Do you know that SEGA is inside Sega Sammy, one of the biggest Pachinko/slot machines maker? I think it explains a lot of the recent content released here.
It also explains why there is always a Casino level/minigame in Sonic games.
SK is playing with you're money as you speak.
Bahaha. Btw, like the thread :p
@ Greivos
No, he copied the title, modified it, the posted on how your post and others like it are all wrong is so many ways.
Just saying
I agree except for the last sentence
SOME of them are actually reasonable and state a good position. Every other basically rants and wastes their time when everything settles within a week or so
Just saying. Please keep this thread alive