Hello, I'm currently 2-3* geared working on getting to 4* gear. As of recent, I've really wanted to start running around and being a gunslinger. It's been pretty enjoyable the few times I've used my secondary weapon not to mention I was in a group with pretty much all gunslingers the other day. It just looks so fun! I'm curious though, reading through the wiki, there seems to be 3-4 different sets. I'm not sure when/if I'll ever have 5* gear, but if that day ever does come, is there a set that is the best to have (the people in my group the other made it sound like it). Also, is there a certain shield needed, or just the standard owlite which seems to go with everything?
Also, how good is the antigua line? Specifically argent peacemaker.
Next questions regards Vanaduke. He sounds like he is very gear dependent, unlike Tier 2 and 1 where as long as you at least have the 2* or 3* gear, your team should do fine (but of course, having the right gear for said areas makes things easier). I'm curious, when would it be ok to do vanaduke? Is it safe in 4* with lots of fire resist?
Many will say, and I agree, that as a gunslinger the best set you should get would be the Nameless, since elemental damage is everywhere and you will see gun puppies everywhere which is one of the main concerns as a gunslinger. For that same reason, the Owlite makes a good choice of shield. I use my Dragon Scale a lot lately since Gun puppies will deal pure elemental damage in T3, and the Jelly turrets deal pure pierce , so you aren't really sacrificing much getting rid of the normal damage against those. Once you do enough FSC runs you should probably get a Blackened Crest to deal with the howlitzers in undead strata along with kats, devilites, and greavers, all of which are very scary to deal with as a gunner.
I feel like the antiguas are guns you avoid if you are serious about gunning. It's good for FSC, but if you're a gunner you will get a pure elemental gun and a pure pierce gun anyway that makes the AP obsolete.
You can make it through FSC fine with elemental defense with fire resist. The big hitters will be fire, lava squares and trojans for the most part. You usually don't get hit by the Zombies' swipe or jump attacks unless you are really not paying attention. Eventually you may want to get a Deadshot anyway so you can get that damage boost against zombies anyway, but a good player can easily make it through no problem with fire resist.