- Tweaks to Tortodrones and Lumbers
- Level 10 added to Fencing Jacket
- Fixed shock resistance for Volt Breaker armor
- Fix for lootless terminal travelers
- Hide the chat entry field after submitting
- Resurrection costs taken from (full) energy tab when available
- Invitation system added for inviting your friends from within the game
- Tweaks to swords
- Fixes for players' getting stuck in certain areas
- Fixes for chat command help
- Tweaks to random level generation
- Tell feedback messages ("You told...") colored blue, like tells
- Fix for weapon text
- Added toggle for "Render Effects," which is disabled by default: eventually we will be adding more advanced graphical effects and those who want to live on the bleeding edge are encouraged to enable this option to help us test them
- Fixed issue with reconnecting after disconnecting (sending you to a different place, removing your progress, etc.)
- Fixed issue with Lichen drops
- Added some code to avoid repeated affliction with the same status condition
- Fix for gates' displayed energy costs
- Change to matchmaking: only add new players within a brief period after starting each level
- Fix for heat levels
Wed, 11/03/2010 - 19:33
Lead Programmer
There was a bug with the invitation system, so we did a followup release to fix it.