One of those messages you get while your next level is loading mentions rare monsters roaming the clockworks with unique drops. Other than love puppies, which don't do any roaming anyway, what are these rare monsters?
P.S. I couldn't find anything on Wiki.
What are the "Rare Monsters"?

Go on to the Wiki, and search for "Imposto Cube," "Soul Jelly," and "Mewkat." There may be others I'm not aware of as well as ones that are not yet/no longer in the game. (and Sloombargo)
there's also a entrance about a "Oiler Baron" no idea what it is
there's also a entrance about a "Black Kat" and a "Cattywampus" again no idea what these are
these are all on the wiki but not under special monsters but just in their family page
there's also the vog cub but like stated it's not in the game (yet?) so are tortodrones (did i spell that wright?)
and haven't heard about any other monsters then these

Tortodrones aren't rare as they do not appear in the game anymore. Same goes for Gold Puppies, Gold Trojans blah blah blah

So if Slooms can appear out of cages does that mean its still possible to get Zee cores?

It says so on the wiki.
So maybe.
Although it would be funny to see someone pay lots of crowns for it as a novelty item, then Starlight Cradle comes out a day later.

Slooms and Slumbargos aren't the Rare Monsters from the ingame tip, they had their levels series alright, its just the thing that now they don't. Rock Jellies shouldn't be also considered anymore as Rare Monsters as they spawn always in Grim Gallery so the only monsters that are considered as Rare Monsters are:
- Soul Jellies
- Impostocube
- Love Puppy
- Mewkat

Just because they arn't ingame doesn't mean that they're not rare.
Gold Trojan
Gold Puppy
Black Kat
Blah blah blah.
Kickthebucket said em

Actually, it does. Gold enemies haven't been in the game for a long, long time and other enemies have NEVER been in the game (Black Kat, Cattywumpus).
@Everyone else
I don't believe Zee Cores can still be found, as I don't believe one has been reported for a long time. Mewkat, Soul Jelly, Love Puppy, and Impostocube are the "rare monsters" it speaks of. The reason it doesn't include the others listed is because they could all be found in very specific places at some point in the game's development. That goes for the Golden enemies and the Slooms and Sloombargo could be found in Starlight Cradle.

True, you have a great point there. However, with the exception o the Black Kat and such, they were ingame before an will be released sometime in the future, probably bein rare. Like I said, ICA not disagree with our statement, it's kind of a 50-50 thing. As for Zee Cores, I spotted a thread a month or few ago, I'll try to find it if you would like. I saw a Sloom about a month or so ago, while helpin a friend run Snarby, but nothing was dropped (Except for heat, CR).
impostocube, mewkat, sloom, and i heard there's an old gremlin that drops darkfang, but never saw/noticed one so no idea if its a generic gremlin drop or the rare gremlin actually exists