hate on P2P player? Anything crafted that is 3* or above is made possible by them
Seems like you should be thanking them for allowing you to play for free.
Why does everyone...

You don't have to buy CE with real money to raise the CE price. F2P players can just buy CE and post it for more.

Orangeo is right... for all we know it's the F2P players with an unholy ammount of CE who are jacking up the prices. there was even this one guy who posted a screenshot saying he was F2P and playing the CE market (and got scolded for it offcourse) so don't go pointing fingers when you don't even know half of what's going on. this is the first topic i know of who actualy starts pointing the finger back at F2P instead of blaming OOO or P2P players.

well Ndognine is right. i think the hate on P2P its because as p2p you can craft anything easily without wait for it. so you only need to level up the gear and then go to crafting. also another reason its because they think only p2p players control the CE market and they are the ones who push the prices to the sky.
the last week i was insulted by 2 players and i dont even know them. but everytime both of them go near to me, and start talking crap (but was about me) just because im p2p. the funny thing its i dont know how they know i bought some energy with cash because i never tell to anyone i bought CE.

I think the bigger problem is that despite the reason for the price increases in CE largely due to the increase in the F2P player base making it competitive for them to buy CE, they chose to blame the ones shelling out cash to buy CE to sell. I mean, anyone ever wondered if the reason why there isn't 5 k CE anymore is because the other players are buying it before it even gets a few seconds on the market?

Lol but thats what i dont mean. seriously how you can tell who bought CE if you dont visit forums and neither told that to my friends? because i dont have why to tell them that kind of stuff. but well seriously that kind of stuff on Spiral its really annoying. because seriously? i dont find that being p2p a reason to get an insult from a player you dont even know about them? but anyway i just ignore them. (but only for people who are like them because i dont find reasonable to be insulted just for that or without reason)

Imo anybody who says anything negative about buying energy with money should be suspended or muted. It's degrading our game.
They are encouraging people to make the game worse and are encouraging people to make the ce price go up....
If you want ce prices to go down, ENCOURAGE everybody to buy CE with cash money.
Discouraging people to buy ce, or talking down about it (does the same thing) is about the same as performing a DDOS attack on OOO servers.

Tl;DR full thread
"Why does everyone..."
Because they are noob. Case closed
random guy: "Objection!"
Objection denied, fool! Get out of this court!
lol idk i just wanted to post :3
EDIT: Chris said it best

The increase in CE prices is totally demand-driven. In every single F2P game I've ever played free players outnumber pay players at least ten to one. It's a perception of greed, but in reality there's simply not enough CE to go around at a price everyone can afford. It's the very definition of a seller's market.

@Chris Sorta what I had in mind. I don't buy CE so this is kinda hypocritical, but if you haven't noticed, since CE got out of the picture for Elevators, CE prices skyrocketed. That's because of lack of CE compared to Crowns. More OOO puts ideas of using more and more CE and less CR, then CE would go down. Since this is a "Why are P2P hated" thread, I think it is because many could see how a newbie+rich(or willing to spend savings) player would easily get more CE than a pro F2P player, so F2P is jealous [I am F2P]. I personally don't want to spend money on a "free" game, so meh. I praise P2P for making the game easier for me, until it gets to the Elevator Ticket. >:( P2P gets it easier by using real money, so those who don't pay can't play as much. If it's anyone who's "greedy," I personally think it's us F2P, since many of us are nagging about benefits P2P could get much easier than we F2P get. We don't pay, and we're concerned about our rights to be equal to P2P, which shouldn't be, but we do get many equalities that OOO could have easily shut off, like access to CE altogether. This is how I see it:
P2Pers could be considered "greedy" when new to the game. They want whatever, and buy motherloads of CE for whatever reason at all. When accessing higher experiences of gameplay, they would know what they should spend in the first place and may or may not use CE properly (along with real cash). They may easily tire out on using real cash.
F2Pers could be considered "greedy" when we find out that P2Pers get more stuff than us much faster than we would.
So in other words, in this logic (though many disagree) P2Pers could be greedy earlier in gaming experience and F2Pers become greedy after becoming jealous of P2Pers which could linger from the start of knowing to the rest of their gameplay lives. Maybe.
I think it has to do with the economy or something. I don't really know why. I'm just glad that they're out there creating the C.E. Market for me so I don't have to pay.