No one has really looked at it, and I normally just used it as an anti-undead weapon. Although this weapon is flawed and needs fixed!
Weapon Deals Piercing and Elemental Damage.
Here's the monster chart
Jellies and Slimes --> Weak to Shadow; Strong against Piercing
Constructs --> Weak to Elemental; Strong against Piercing
Fiends --> Weak to Piercing; Strong against Shadow
Undead --> Weak to Elemental; Strong against Shadow
Gremlins --> Weak to Shadow; Strong against Elemental
Beasts --> Weak to Piercing; Strong against Elemental
Here's the damage chart on Argent Peacemaker RIGHT NOW.
Jellies and Slimes --> Deals REDUCED damage.
Constructs --> Deals REDUCED damage.
Gremlins --> Deals REDUCED damage.
Beasts --> Deals REDUCED damage.
Fiends --> Deals NORMAL damage.
Undead --> Deals BONUS damage.
GG? Lets look these over so they have the same weaknesses, strengths and normals that all other non-normal damage dealing weapons have.
The correct ones...
Jellies and Slimes are weak to shadow and strong against piercing. This means Argent Peacemaker should do reduced damage here.
Undead are weak to elemental and strong against shadow. This means Argent Peacemaker should do bonus damage here.
Gremlins are weak to shadow and strong against elemental. This means Argent Peacemaker should do reduced damage here.
The Wrong Ones
Constructs are weak to elemental but strong against piercing. These should cancel each other out resulting in NORMAL damage.
Beasts are weak to piercing but strong against elemental. These should cancel each other out resulting in NORMAL damage.
Fiends are weak to piercing but strong against shadow. This should be resulting in BONUS damage.
Here's what the damage chart SHOULD be
Jellies and Slimes --> Deals reduced damage
Constructs --> Deals normal damage
Fiends --> Deals bonus damage
Undead --> Deals bonus damage
Gremlins --> Deals reduced damage
Beasts --> Deals normal damage
2 normals, 2 strengths, 2 weaknesses....and it makes 100% sense unlike the situation we have here.
**Edited Post to hopefully clarify things people aren't reading anyway.
What do you mean? Your "chart" here shows exactly what happens in the game, nothing needs fixing...