So today I did something really cruel. I kinda feel bad, but at the same time I think I would do the same thing again if the opportunity presented itself.
So i was running through levels to get to a terminal so i could invite some friends to do an IMF run with me. As I am the only one with an elevator pass, I usually just dash through levels ignoring all the enemies and avoiding damage. Additionally, I like to join open parties to get a head-start and (hopefully) not have to run through as many levels.
Once we got into the deconstruction zone I immediately made a mad dash for the exit elevator. I intended to stand on the elevator and then choose "go solo" so as to get through as fast as possible. As i was running through, I saw a love puppy. I thought to myself "if i wait to let my allies heal off it they might get the drop if one appears." so I mercilessly slaughtered it before they even knew it existed. As often happens to me, I received nothing. I then proceeded to the exit and left immediately, so as to not have to stay and wile in my guilt.
I do feel bad about it, but when I think of the possibility of getting a love locket I feel justified in my decision to slaughter the love puppy. Would any of you have done the same thing in my place?
Item pickup has been stealth patched
People say that when an item drops, the knight who picks it up gets it.
I don't know if that's true or not, since I only got 3 item drops and they all happened when I solo. The other times someone else got it when I was off-screen.
But after the recent patch (elevator pass), I fought JK with a friend. He was still near the giant token, while I broke the boxes and saw a Prisma Driver dropped. I picked it up and it went to my friend.
So even if a love pendant do drop, you may not be the one to get it.