Stop complaining about the price of ce PLZ!!!!! It's really getting on my nerves. If you can't spend 2.25$ for some ce then don't complain. Plz guys
no more. I do think it's to high but I'm not complaining. Just Plz no more.

buy the elevator pass :D it's awsome (except for crafting then it's just hard work again)

you do notice there is a thread like this a couple threads down that i posted, right?

And also irked at the irony. In order to whine about the whiners cluttering the forums with whine threads, we whine back and clutter the forums with counter-whines.
Me no likey whine. I like the cheese only.

Maybe you should ignore them, stop replying to them. They might go away.
Just a suggestion.

That only makes them more active. The goal was never meant to be constructive, its to draw attention so they think their opinion matters, no matter how over-stated or counter productive the actual post is.
I have a complaint... the price is not high enough. I can not sell my ungodly large amount of CE for 15k per 100 yet.

You think that the CE complaints are flooding the Forums..
this is at least the third rebellion.
Half of it is rebellion threads. You want em to go away, listen to Blanky.
I think Gwen has a great career in trolling, as well.

If all you can say "stop whinning", "deal with it" , "omg another CE complain thread", " ignore them they will go away" you are extremly narrowminded and you dont see long term results of what people with unknown motives and OOO made with CE market.
CE price is rising, its hard to keep profit for current players. Becouse of that they barely afford to craft/buy their own simple stuff or do clockworks run., Also rising CE prices is scaring new players away. Becouse of that medium progress players have cutted profits.
Becouse of rising CE prices people are getting greedy, they dont buy at all or if they want to buy something they would want it below making costs/buying costs or even for free.
Rich players have everything they want, they dont really care about anything, they just run around forum telling to, how they call them, "CE ranters" to just stfu and go away, since higher CE prices means lees people will get rich and those rich players will stay with 'elite' status longer. It reminds me a little a 'story' about One that made it to the island called 'wealth' and now is making waves so others cant get in there.

I've only been playing 3 weeks, so I'm pretty sure I'm not a "elite" player who is rich and I still think that the people whining about CE are very annoying and really need to go away.
You in particular keep saying things about long term results of people with unknown motives and OOOs. So what's the great long term benefit for me if I buy CE and sell it to public for cheap? Money that I had to work for and earn with my job? Isn't it more likely that F2P players want to have the same benefits of a P2P player without actually paying for it? That doesn't benefit anyone but the F2P players. OOOs doesn't profit from people who play on their servers and not give money y'know. They don't have to make all content available to F2P players. Yet it is. All it takes is a willingness to play the game. Which, is supposed to be fun and the whole point of the game.
Also, is the point of the game to make profit? O_O You keep bringing that up.

sorry shadownox I didn't see it, Oh well It's just one more ce complainers complain thread.
Lol you're just fill the forum up with counter threads