Obtainable Gremlin gear:
*Goggles (accessory)
*Deconstructor/Heavy Deconstructor (bombs)
*Thwack Hammer (sword)
*Wrench Wand (sword)
*Darkfang Shield (shield)
*Bomb Bandolier? (accessory)
Unobtainable Gremlin gear:
*Flamethrower (gun)
*Shadow Striker (sword)
*Gremlin Hood (helm)
*Gremlin Suit (armor)
*Gremlin Demo Helm (helm)
The flamethrower's charge attack could be the Ember Bolt.
The Shadow Striker should swing like the Fang of Vog (3 swings), and the charge attack would create a curse-causing projectile (like Phantoms do).
The Gremlin Hood/Suit would have medium resistance to normal and piercing damage and high resistance to elemental damage. It could also be resistant to Shock. The Gremlin Demo Helm would add a high charge time reduction bonus and have the same resistances as the Gremlin Hood and Suit.
Admittedly, this is part discussion and part suggestion. Question 1: How do you like the selection of Gremlin equipment? Question 2: Who would like to see more gremlin gear available?
Gremlin Accessory:
Name: (TBD)
Description highly resembles the ears of a peculiar gremlin...
^ Win
Also move to suggestions i think. A lot of people say its just "discussion", but its discussion ABOUT a suggestion, hence it should be there imo if you really want OOO to guarantee a glance at it.
Just saying
Otherwise not bad but I think the Shadow Striker should be a Token item from a certain unreleased boss ;)
I used SpiralSpy :V
Andy way even if it was/was not a gremlin based item it still sounds good, though make sure its not the old phantom charge, the new one would be a nice change of pace from slow attacks and would also be a nice addtion, since the Wrench Wand is the only thing that can cause that projectile as of now.
1. I think its a good selection in-game, but being Underpowered in comparison to end-gamers who would have the time for costumes and such (besides the goggles accessory) theres no real variation for ALL players, such as the better/more flashy weapons in the game.
2. I guess more gremlin themed gear would be nice. Just tie it in with a larger scale update as well
Now move to Suggesstions forums please :P