What's the best way to get crowns in Tier 1 and only Mist energy...And I also don't wanna wait 10-30 minutes to get the arena...And is there other levels other than arena?
Best Way to Make Crowns?
T1 is the worst tier for making any sort of money, but I would say that you should run Snarby as much as you can, in addition to doing arenas. Other than that, try to join after terminal as much as possible to maximize your crowns-per-energy. When you have ~5k crowns, either buy some 2* stuff or make your own so that you can get to T2 and starting doing JK--that's where the real money is.
Boss runs are highly recommended, but you could also buy 3/4 Star recipes from Basil and resell them in AH.
Join parties instead of creating new ones. If you are lucky, you will find yourself in stratum 2 which pays better than stratum 1. Even better join friends at the T1 terminal. I you don't have all of Snarby's gear (T1 snarby) than yeah defiantly knock out some more woods runs.
Pick the gates with the most Arenas (especially stratum 2 arena) and do all three rounds of the arena. Danger rooms are great too if you have the mist to spare and still complete your run.
Mist crafting and selling helps too. Always use all of your mist even if you don't have to play (just craft out all your mist real quick).
@Litterbit - 3/4* recipes are not available in depth 4 Basil. :(
Other than that, previous answers have covered the question well enough.
Pik up some 2* gear and do jk runs. While getting 2* gear do snarl runs.
< Barely readable writing telling you to defeat the snarbolax and then do JK or roarmulus or T2 here. >
Can I do solo JK or Roarmuls runs? Or do I need a party?
You should do some Snarby runs or JK runs, depending on what items you have and what tier you are, you should most likely do some snarby runs a lot to get some crowns, just enough for some good items against the JK, and I'm not very sure on some recommended items to get for JK runs, so just stick to some snarby runs and maybe do some auctions.
Auctions: The way i put my items in auctions are, I buy vitasuits and most of the 150 crowns items in the bazaar, and i do the bid price, 100 crowns and the Buy Now price, 400 crowns. This has got me about...10,000 crowns all together. I have done this for about 2 days.
There is no JK, only the Royal Jelly, in the Royal Jelly Palace. Where are you seeing "JK"?
@Batabii: Jk refers to Jelly King. Yes, his real name is Royal Jelly, but I still here people refer to him as JK (I do it myself out of habit). Even the wiki lists JK as the Jelly King. You probably are a nice guy normally, but saying "There is no JK, only the Royal Jelly" makes you sound a bit pompous and arrogant.
As for the actual topic, it is best to get some runs at the Snarbolax (or Snarby as people affectionately call him). Go to each lift, and scroll down a bit on the gate map (Here is a picture of the gate map: http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5095/5592092105_9108e9c4ff.jpg). You should see the map suddenly become a string of 3 levels that are lime green (The first two are tree-ish and the 3rd is a skull: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Gloaming_Wildwoods). Those are the Snarby levels. If you don't see them, try a different gate. It takes about 60 Energy to pay for all the elevator rides.
^what he said
Use your tokens to at the token trader and get sell those equipment to vendors for 750crowns each.Then get calibur and an owlite shield and start doing JK runs/RJ runs.Thats when u gain 6-8k per run.Good luck!
Okay best way to make money. CRAFT. I've made tens of thousands of crowns. new players will go crazy for a striker or something that looks cool and you'll occasionally get unique variants like a magic cloak with high resistance against jellies. Sold it for 6500 crowns.
- Okay best way to make money. CRAFT. I've made tens of thousands of crowns. new players will go crazy for a striker or something that looks cool and you'll occasionally get unique variants like a magic cloak with high resistance against jellies. Sold it for 6500 crowns.
I really would not call crafting the best.
Crafting is good if you don't plan on using your energy on a particular day, but you can honestly make more crowns in higher depths, than you can by crafting 2* stuff(From my experience, 2* stuff usually sells for around 1.5k at the auction. Maybe a little more or less.). And 3* stuff requires an additional 100 energy and sometimes a particular piece of 2* gear(Depends on the recipe obviously.) so its a little harder to make money there. 4* and up requires unbinding fees, as well as time to heat up the 3* gear.(But I'm guess you're really just referring to crafting 2* and some 3* items here.)
And getting UVs is rare, let alone getting a "good" UV. Sure, most of the time, any UV will rise the price of a piece a little, or a lot, but depends on the UV.
Not saying it's a completely bad way, just saying it's not the best way to go at it.(Unless you just don't have the time to play and make use of your mist.)
1.Play snarby
2.get tokens
3.buy snarble thing from tokens trader
4.sell that item
5.do it again
6.look at 1 2 3 4 5 6 again 100 time
7.be happy
1.Play JK
2.get tokens
3.buy seal or anti thing from tokens trader
4.sell that item
5.do it again
6.look at 1 2 3 4 5 6 again 100 time
7.be happy
Just do cute snarby run, but I recommend you to do the jelly king =)
Oi! I remember making a post here last year!
You guys makin' me feel old!
Well you could try doing some Snarbolax runs. Those are decent at getting some crowns earlier on(And if you haven't already, you can get some nice gear too.), before you move up to Royal Jelly/Jelly King runs.