Well uhm...25% is nice but... it's not much on those original prices. Maybe if you reduced it to...800 CE? And maybe if it were 5.95?
Thanksgiving sale
Keys are at a 42% discount if you combine the two. That is a big sale.
2 weeks ago: they are making us pay for just entering the new content and it's rehashed old stuff! OUTRAGE!!
Among the reactions to this thread now: be thankful they're allowing you to pay less for the rehashed content! Paying for older levels with a different theme for a chance to craft mediocre items is a PRIVILIGE!
Sometimes I don't get players.
Sometimes I don't get players.
People weren't complaining that they had to pay to get in. Well, some were, but they probably complain about everything. It was the "open a zillion lockboxes for $2.50 each and maybe you'll get a key!" that got people pissed.
-insert single, mournful tear here-
Quite a few people stocked up on keys when they were 1.5k CE. Those people are the ones actually getting ripped off.
My thoughts: "How about the original shadow key price be 1350 THEN we slash it down..."
I'm not bothering with this sale, might, MIGHT get a shadow key just so I can finally get my last Nightmare Mane but eh...