not sure if anyone's noticed this but it seems that (for now) Shadow Keys are 1350 CE at Boost. Just saying. Odd...
Shadow Key Sale

There's an information thingy on the Spiral news update when you log in. It either shows the Arsenal boxes, Energy blasts, CE sale, or the Shadow Key sale.
What I doubt people have noticed though is the Shadow keys initials are the same as the Game's. SK-SK
OOOhhh. Link? XD
EDIT: I'm not american, but I think it's called Thanksgiving.

My only gripe is that I feel jipped for spending 22,500 energy on the keys back during the 1,500 energy per key promo, when I could've saved 2,250 energy today with 1,350 per key...that was just a jerk move.

The News advertises the "Non-Sale" price as 1800 CE when it was only 1500.
The sale price should be 1125 rather than 1350; have we been lied to? :s

Wow Shidara, how dare they sell them cheaper now! It would be crazy unthinkable mean if they had a future sale at an even lower value (one I might actually pay).

If you're just going to be sarcastic, you might as well not post at all, Bluescreenofdeath. Laugh silently for yourself, but don't provoke me.

Called "Thanksgiving" for those who do not know. And who cares about shadow key prices? Its like if a new phone comes out for a certain price, and is later reduced. You don't get reimbursed. So grow up, and quit complaining about the damn price.

My only gripe is that I feel jipped for spending 22,500 energy on the keys back during the 1,500 energy per key promo, when I could've saved 2,250 energy today with 1,350 per key...that was just a jerk move.
But you would've had to wait until now to get the keys & enjoy the Shadow Lair! I hope you used them for trips instead of stockpiling to sell them for more $.
The News advertises the "Non-Sale" price as 1800 CE when it was only 1500.
The sale price should be 1125 rather than 1350; have we been lied to? :s
It adds up to a 42% discount if you buy energy for the keys. 1800 is the regular price, 1350 is discounted. The 1500 before was a sale as well.
Called "Thanksgiving" for those who do not know
The rest of the world celebrates thanksgiving on other days.

I'll start by accepting the fact that this will fly right by most peoples heads, as logic is not often understood here.
OOO has the data of how many shadow keys have been bought and how many have been sold. They offered them at a limited time only 1500 ce to encourage stocking up on them. They have data that shows more keys were bought, then have been used. They have data that shows that keys still regularly sell for less on the AH than 1500 ce. They have data that would show that more shadow keys are bought from players than from boost since price increase.
THEREFORE, this new discounted pricing is a counterpoint, a discount from, and a competition to the shadow key resellers (and the original shadow key price) NOT a discount from the current price of shadow keys from boost. So in essence they somewhat heavy handedly encouraged us to stock up on shadow keys. Then when done as encouraged they cut us out at the knees by not only selling for cheaper than the "Promo" pricing (that they bumped us over the head with as 'limited time only'), but now they destroy our ability to even resell them back at break even.
Conclusion: Jerk move. And a very manipulative jerk move at that.
If you don't follow the logic: Eek, good luck in life, you are in for much confusion.

Since when did it encourage stocking up? All your logic is based on this inference, and I can find little evidence to substantiate it.

I have a hard time feeling sorry for anyone who thinks that shadow keys are worth *more* than 1500CE. I've seen quite a few shadow keys being sold on the AH for around 1000CE, and I didn't think they were worth even that, and I'm not alone. If others thought they were worth more, they would have bid them up.
Even at 1350CE and the reduced energy package, that is still $2.90 *per trip*. There are a lot of games out there that will give you far more entertainment for that amount of money. Sure, there are people will spend that much, just not enough. It's supply and demand, and you guessed wrong.

Last time I checked, phones didn't break after completing a call. Oh, and they also come with insurance and are constantly tweaked and in production.
Shadow Keys, as far as I know, grant a one-time trip into the Shadow Lair of your choice, then you'll have to re-supply to go again.
As a matter of fact, I have yet to spend my keys. I did not, however, collect them for re-selling purposes. I am merely waiting for the team of my choice to gear up. Running into the Shadow Lairs unprepared is foolish.

- @pawn
- careful ... using logic and common sense is dangerous here but you are right
the shadow debacle is like lockboxes
you were told you could acquire these rare accessories but turns out you cant...
they have to sell them on the AH so thank christ i didnt open 100 lockboxes just to be scammed out of 75k CE ...although i did buy 25 shadow keys at 1500CE each which mean i've blown 37.5kCE or atleast half that if i sell
> would like a refund OOO on the shadow keys plz ... maybe i should email them asking for a refund :Pwhat you guys failed to see with OOO here is if they are willing to screw players over
they will do it on other stuff as well, sooner or later you will seelike i stated in a different topic about OOO selling items it rigs the game :(
and since the game seems to be like this now i wont be buying more CE with real money... im done their

Jerk move or continuation of the Shadow Key / Lock Box debacle.....makes me wonder if they're doing this sale because there's no interest buying Shadow Keys. When you can't even resell a Shadow Key at 1300 CE when they were 1800 CE off the vendor, you know there's no interest. So is OOO deliberately trying to screw resellers, or are reseller just suffering from OOO mistakes with the Shadow Keys.
Either way this just teaches me not be an Early Adopter with SK's new features, as OOO will screw you in the end. That's pretty counter-productive in the grand scheme of things as SK needs Early Adopters to make the game succeed. But if OOO just keep screwing you in the end (intentionally or not), why bother.
Take the Elevator Pass for example....Early Adopters paid OOO $6 thinking that with the high CE prices they'll be able to save a ton of CE and make a ton of crowns to buy CE. Now the CE prices will just get driven up higher because of it. OOO wins by getting all this real money, the player gets screwed because they have to play more and pay more crowns for CE. At the very least, CE prices won't go down and the F2P players get screwed.
Makes me wonder if OOO is just getting greedy these days, or if they were always greedy and I'm just realizing it now.

I fail to see how reducing prices makes them greedy. If you bought them for resale and failed to take into account that the price of goods can change then that's bad business skills. All business has a risk factor to it.

First I admit I bought some promo shadow keys with the previous promo energy pack, and I was thinking at the time that if I didn't want to use them I could sell them (which no longer looks like the case, but I can still play them). This move however isn't that surprising, as SK models the real world economy very well. The classic economic model, states you should sell a product for a much as you can until you have saturated the market (hopefully this will cover all your costs), then you can repeatedly discount the price, attracting new buyers who would not be willing to purchase at the higher price point (as the development costs have already been paid this is then pure profit). Ever wonder why microsoft sells its software for so little in India yet charges more elsewhere?
So yes it sucks, however we know what will happen now, in the auctions if you think you are buying something unique your not, the question is how important is it for you to be first. Personally I think there will be 6*+ stuff at some point and we will probably find all the current 5* stuff is a dead end.

How do you know what the original price is? (1800 CE) Have they ever been sold for that amount? Perhaps they have just made up that original price; that's how it is if it's never been seen in-game.
Well do I have a deal for you! Originally sold for $10,000 is this luxurious, used napkin! But tell you what, I'm feeling generous. I'll give it to you for the low, low price of $100!

After they were sold for 1500 CE from Boost, they were removed for a while, and then reintroduced at a price of 1800 CE.
Which seems like a pretty bizarre thing to do to me.
\ \
If you bought them for resale and failed to take into account that the price of goods can change then that's bad business skills. All business has a risk factor to it.
Bad business skills, really?
How would "business skills" would lead the average person to believe that despite introducing Shadow Keys as only obtainable through opening lockboxes with 750 CE keys, that OOO would later reintroduce them to be sold straight from an NPC for a mere 1500CE. There are no trends with which we can observe to come to this conclusion. We have not even the slightest indication that this change is going to happen until last minute.
It doesn't require business skill to figure out, it requires you to be a goddamn psychic.
I'm really failing to see your logic. Please explain how not having "bad business skills" would lead people to not buy Shadow Keys when they were introduced.

How would "business skills" would lead the average person to believe that despite introducing Shadow Keys as only obtainable through opening lockboxes with 750 CE keys, that OOO would later reintroduce them to be sold straight from an NPC for a mere 1500CE.
I'm not sure, but I think the above was meant to be a question. If so, the answer is: common sense.
Seriously, OOO (and most other businesses) have introduced other ways of getting things over time, whether it is philoso feathers and blackened crests from Brinks, or UVs from Punch, or mod calibrators from the prize wheel, or...

"OOO and other business have introduced other ways of getting things over time"
Clearly anyone who is aware that OOO and other companies occasionally introduce other ways of getting things, should have deduced that Shadow Keys would be changed to sell for a mere fraction of their price, despite being one of the biggest draws of opening a lockbox.
Because that statement isn't totally vague and potentially applicable to goddamn everything.
Guessing that they'll make shadow keys easier to get at some point maybe is about the same as guessing a flipped coin will turn up heads. The coin sometimes turns up heads, so surely it will come up heads this time too! If you're wrong, oh well, you weren't spending money on the Keys anyway. If you're right, then OMG GUYS HOW COULDN'T YOU REALIZE IT WAS GOING TO TURN UP HEADS? EVERYONE KNOWS THE COIN SOMETIMES TURNS UP HEADS SO IT'S OBVIOUS TO ANYONE WITH BASIC COIN-READING SKILLS THAT IT WOULD TURN UP HEADS THIS TIME.
TL;DR I'm saying there was no guaranteed way to know whether or not it would happen.
There's still a lot of things I wouldn't mind changed, but if OOO never does it, then I'd be stuck waiting for the rest of my life for that chance, that my coin might come up heads.

Firstly I was talking about people buying the keys from Boost for resale (sorry I should have clarified). I do agree however that the switchover from only being obtainable from lockboxes to being permanently available was a abrupt and could have done with some prior notification.
"Please explain how not having "bad business skills" would lead people to not buy Shadow Keys when they were introduced."
Ok there are 2 main reasons to buy a shadow key:
1. Buy them for use. If you bought them from Boost you obviously felt that a trip to the Shadow Lairs at that point was worth however much you bought it for. You have no reason to complain that their price has now decreased.
2. Buy for resale. Now judging from the fact that OOO is willing to sell them straight from Boost rather than from lockboxes only, you can expect that this deal or a deal of a similar nature would come round again. Buying for resale involves the risk that a similar or better deal comes round before you can sell all the Shadow Keys you invested in. If you bought too many keys, or waited too long to sell them that's bad business skills.
"I'm saying there was no guaranteed way to know whether or not it would happen."
Of course. Nobody can predict the future. That's why investment is always a risk vs reward operation rather than "Here, have $5 today and you give me $10 tomorrow".
Check the announcements forum :)
It's an american turkey day thing