Ever wonder what happens when a Trojan gets too aggressive? We now have details!
Ever wonder what happens when a Trojan gets too aggressive? We now have details!
LOL, wow... that is horrible... I love it.
Was that moderated by...who's 'E'? Eurydice?
Or am I mistaken? ^_- ?
Lol, probably. Admittedly it was inappropriate and I was pretty sure it would be editted. I found it cute though.
That picture Taz had was hilarious though. XD
Ditch your team. :3
Kidding, but had that happen to me a few times.
Hmm, aggressive...Trojan...
There's a gazillion things it could be, and I'm insanely curious now. XD
Nothing new, we already had a video version of it by knightmere , unity and coup de grace.
Video is a bit of a waste. Maybe if you showed the bug actually taking place, but who wants to see someone stand around for 1 minute LOLing?
I mean no offense, but the picture is better. :P
Never saw the videos, I never watch any of them, so didn't know it had been documented before. Trojan is between the 2 Slag Guards, you can see the purple glow of its crystal.
Either way still neat.
posting entirely appropriate and relevant image
[C'mon, man. -E]