I'm looking to begin testing half a dozen weapons or so, and I'm wondering something. For special damage weapons, are the damage values typically the same against both enemies which take 'critical' damage, 'neutral' damage and 'resisted' damage? I.E., does an elemental weapon do the same damage against constructs and undead at the same depth? Similarly would it do the same damage to beasts and gremlins?
This is a general question; I understand that some enemies, such as gremlin menders, take more damage than is typical.
On that note, however, are the damage values against enemies such as menders included in the damage tables, or are typical values only included?
Usually they are the same. We only use typical values; if you take a look at some of the filled out tables this becomes quite apparent. (From personal experience menders seem to take the same damage as other gremlins. Perhaps you could confirm/unconfirm this during your test?)
Best of luck to your testing!