I was just playing in tier 1 so i can get the bronze survivor award/achievements.So when I got to the elevator to go deeper in deapth.So when i advanced in tier one there was a rainbow of crystals so i hit the crystal and they broke as usual.So i was just looking around the map then all of a sudden crowns started falling out of the sky!While i was collecting the crowns i was scared because my internet would always mess up and then i have to shutoff/shutdown my computer for an hour or two just to let restore power then start all over again but that didnt happen which was great.So when i got to the near end there were lots of the crystal most of them were big.Then it was crown crates where you can collect coins from.When the level was over i ended up with over 1000 crowns so it really boosted my crowns up.Then the same thing happen again twice!I was so happy today when I had found this level.
If this ever happened to you before or you wished it did comment below
And I am glad to be sharing this with you.
This is based on a true story
Personally made by me
Oh and to prove that this happened i took some pictures using the F12 key
Were there just a few cr? or was it like RAINING them?