Tread this thread as a starting point for people for who are confused by the loadouts. Something where we share loadouts that work rather well in our opinion or have already proven to be. Feel free to suggest changes in my/people loadouts but remember, thats their loadouts so don't try too hard unless they ask for it. So i'll kick off with few of loadouts that i use (some are popular among people)
Helmet: Snarbolax Cap / Armor: Snarbolax Coat / Shield: Barbarous Thorn Shield / Trinkets: Elite Quick Strike Module x2
Weapons: Divine Avenger / Shivermist Buster / Nova Driver
Snarb set + BTS for maximum sword damage, DA for slashing, SB for phantoms in 4man parties and Nova Driver for poking fun at zombies
[FSC] Better-safe-than-sorry-anti-random-fsc-invite-loadout
Helmet: Divine Veil / Armor: Vog Cub Coat / Shield: Grey Owlite Shield / Trinkets: Elite Trueshot Module, Elite Bomb Focus Module
Weapons: Divine Avenger / Shivermist Buster / Blitz Needle / Polaris
General setup for the usual random invite to FSC, i can oneblitz trojans (Divine Veil + 1x Elite True Shot combo), SB decently thanks to the Elite Bomb Focus Module, Grey Owlite because it does the same job on Zombie breath as Crest of Almire does and performs better in mask phases at Vanaduke
[Anti-Dark City]
Helmet: Snarbolax Cap / Armor: Snarbolax Coat / Shield: Crest of Almire / Trinkets: Elite Bomb Focus Module x2
Weapons: Barbarous Thorn Blade / Shivermist Buster / Polaris / Blitz Needle
BTB because well, it does its job, SB for spawn control, Polaris for beating up the cake and BN for when someone sets SB or when i solo and set it myself. Elite Bomb Focus Modules because i feel that the speed of BTB is enough for fiends and a fast SB can save a party
[solo-remedy-burning Danger Room Hunting]
Helmet: Divine Veil / Armor: Skolver Coat / Shield: Grey Owlite Shield / Trinkets: Elite Quick Strike Module x2
Weapons: Faust / Barbarous Thorn Blade / Venom Veiler / Polaris
Armor mixing due the random nature of danger rooms, Faust for [charge] curse application, BTB for daring dives into single menders/silkwing and anti-greaver first-swing swiping, Venom Veiler for T3 Menders' AoE healing (whole AoE is a damaging area for any enemy under the effects of Poison) and general attack debuff for daring dives into healers. And Polaris for cornering and forming masses of shocked undead/constructs and splitting healers from the groups.
[Gunner "starter" kit]
Helmet: Nameless Hat / Armor: Nameless Coat / Shield: Crest of Almire;Grey Owlite Shield;Barbarous Thorn Blade / Trinkets: Elite Trueshot Module x2
Weapons: Leviathan;Barbarous Thorn Blade / Umbra Driver / Callahan;Blitz Needle / Polaris
Nameless set for the ASI, shields to comply enemy attacks (CoA for Fiends/Undeads, GOS for Constructs/Gremlins, BTB for Slimes/Beasts), switching between BTB (for Fiend/Undead levels) and Leviathan (for the rest). I find greavers too risky to use anything other than a Flourish/BTB so thats why i'm better-safe-then-sorry with using the BTB for those levels/stratums. Leviathan for the rest and generally then i only use it for grass cutting or the charge attack on the healer inside a crowd. Callahan generally and i switch it out for deconstruction zones, i use there purely Blitz Needle charge. About Polaris, i prefer stalling the turrets and not having ricochets from alchemers aggro nearby enemies (Gun Puppies/Howlitzers in case of arenas), shaping up masses is also bonus points. I picked currently Umbra Driver exclusively because it causes havoc in Slimes/Gremlins groups, i'm trying to adapt to the slow speed of Neutralizer line but somehow it isn't coming, ricochet in arenas from it isn't a problem for me as Polyps have a 360 degree vision so they are aggroed when you are just close by them.
Well my "general" gear (something that I can use effectively pretty much anywhere) consists of:
Vog Cub Set, Barbarous Thorn Shield, Acheron, Divine Avenger, Barbarous Thorn Blade, Polaris, Elite Slash and Focus modules. this gives me Very High in ASI, CTR (all weapons are level 10) and Damage for my swords, Polaris takes care of turrets and whatever I feel like shooting at :P
for JK the only thing that changes are my weapons: Acheron, Vile Striker, Biohazard, DA or Polaris. the last slot is a hard choice for me. when soloing a DA charge OHKOs Lumbers and Gun Puppies but spamming Polaris is extremely effective in RJP because its so confined, you can clear rooms easily (sometimes I brig both and don't bother with Acheron). Vile Striker destroys JK, though if I had a Fang of Vog I'd bring that instead (or put in DA/Polaris's slot). Biohazard's just for lolz hehehe. I don't change my amrour because 1) its the only 5* armour I have and 2) it's really not necessary, I can solo it fine, though if I had a Skolver Set I'd wear it.
for Twins, again, the only thing that changes from the "general" set is weapons: DA, Polaris, Acheron, ...anything else really, usually whatever I happen to be heating up, though if I had a FoV I'd bring it. The shield doesn't change because its the only one I have apart from Swift Strike Buckler. havn't bothered with Grey Owlite yet because I really just havn't found it to be necessary.
don't have a proper FSC set yet. working on building up a Blitz Needle. pairing it with DA, Polaris and BTB would probably serve well enough. Im not crazy enough to try and solo it and someone in my party usually has a Shivermist. I know I need a better shield, I've only ever fought Vanaduke once, so tbh I don't know which shield would be best, but the zombies hurt me the most and break the shield quick so I'd bring a shadow one. I have a Seraphic helm at the moment and I'm undecided in what to make it but if I turned it into a Crown of the Fallen I'd use it instead of the Vog cap.