Free Regal/Cool/Heavy/Dusky/Fancy Parrying Blade Accessory Codes

79 replies [Last post]
Spiral-Wiki's picture

Some people probably wont like me posting this here, but I dont think we should be greedy. If you want a free regal parrying blade accessory, go to this site and redeem your code ingame:


Thanks everyone for the extra links :)

Edit: Aww, apparently fancy parrying blades came out while I was away. Heres the link for completion sake.

If anyone has a code spare i'd greatly appreciate it ^^

Edit2: Thanks Xelima for the fancy code ^_^ You really made my day :D

Rageling's picture
Cool, I can't feel my pants.

Thanks, I can confirm it works.

Thanks Spiral-wiki!

Beans's picture

Yep, works fine.


Reinforced-Tin-Man's picture

There's the Heavy and Cool Blades to collect.

Iaena's picture
I'd be interested to know

I'd be interested to know where to find those! TY!

Nicoya-Kitty's picture


Isenfir's picture
Is there a way to trade them

I want a dusky one instead! I've been waiting for these to come out forever. Will there at least be a way to get more?

Nicoya-Kitty's picture
A little googling
Neon-Ne's picture


Iron-Volvametal's picture
I can't seem to find where the Heavy Parrying Sword is...

I've received the Regal & Cool one, but can't find the Heavy one. Can anyone tell us where it is?

EDIT: Sniped. Thanks for the Links, Nicoya.

Isenfir's picture
Wouldnt let me get the heavy

When i logged in it redirected me and said i already had one D:

EDIT: nevermind just made another acc

Reinforced-Tin-Man's picture
Isenfir's picture
There's a dusky blade too

cant remember where though

Echo's picture
Noobberries's picture

How do you use the code? and if this is an exploit, i'm not going to take part in it...

Dark-Fantasy's picture
Dusky Parrying Blade

Dusky Parrying blade is achieved by searching though google search. Dusky Parrying Blade.
The website should be under the videos. If not, then it is under this forumn. I wonder if that shall help on the dusky.

EDIT: I didn't realize that bc there was no Dusky near it. :O Eh well.

Echo's picture
Lol, Dark I just put up the

Lol, Dark I just put up the exact same link. @Noob how would it be an exploit? OOO Sent out codes to websites and they're giving them out.


thanks now i have all 3 =)
*Edit:all 4 =P

Spiral-Wiki's picture
Thanks guys ^^ didnt know

Thanks guys ^^ didnt know about the other 3. I'll add it to the first post :P

Notawindowsuser's picture

Thanks, I love free accessory promotions! :D

Stelli's picture
there don't seem to be

there don't seem to be Toasty, Drab, Fancy.

Maybe those 3 will be saved for some other give away event.

Spiral-Wiki's picture
Perhaps, or they could be

Perhaps, or they could be given away without us knowing D:

Watermelon-Soda's picture
Gossip spread everywhere. I

Gossip spread everywhere. I think this kinda ruined the entire point of advertising it on different sites if people that are already playing Spiral Knights are going to eat all the codes. A loss for Three Rings and a win for the players who got them. Thanks Wiki! :3

Stelli's picture

Yep, thanks for sharing!

But those 500 regals got eat up so fast x.x!

King-Tinkinzar's picture
Thx! I got 3 out of 4

Thx! I got 3 out of 4 >:D

Regals are gone...

Dark-Fantasy's picture
Regal and Heavy Parrying Blades

Regal and Heavy are now all gone. Since they were the easiest to obtain...and it seems they have a lower amount...
Hurry about about the Cool blades because they are running low. I think the Dusky is unlimited since there is no numbers indication how many keys they have...

I already got all 4 and got a couple of codes my friends gave me. PM for more info. :P

Isenfir's picture
What about Volcanic and Divine D:

:P no vog cub or skolver users get em >:D

Myllakka's picture

Boo, I just wanted the Heavy one and it's the one that's already out. ):

Oh well, thanks a lot for sharing this!

Exileddread's picture
Sigh people actually took

Sigh people actually took more than one code. Saw some guy claiming to have had 10 regals with only 3 left selling them. I missed out because of people like that. I'm hoping it wasn't true. So greedy.

Dark-Fantasy's picture

I am surprised that people would go this low for them... only way the dude could have sold them is selling the codes. The accessory themselves are not trade-able. It is practically impossible to have 10 regal parrying blades bc they only allow 1 type for every account.

Bigfootm's picture
What Dark ritual?

Hyperion told me to report anyone "selling" them, FYI.

Wish I got one, shame.

Exileddread's picture
Yeah, that's what I meant

Yeah, that's what I meant haha sorry. Like I watched some guy supposedly buy one and saying it worked. Not 100% sure if it's true though. If it is, then that's so lame.

Spiral-Wiki's picture
The dusky isn't unlimited.

The dusky isn't unlimited. The keys are given to them by OOO, theyre not generated by the websites, so they will run out.

Reinforced-Tin-Man's picture
Hyperion told me to report

Hyperion told me to report anyone "selling" them, FYI.

Was it in the forums? If so, link?

Bigfootm's picture

Via Support Ticket. I would get a screenie, but on my iPod. Edit: here.

Quoted fom Hyperion:

No, they're not hacks or against the terms of service (although people selling codes for them are breaking the TOS; please report people you see who are doing so). They're promotional items available on select websites.

Kwizzy's picture
Sigh people actually took

Sigh people actually took more than one code. Saw some guy claiming to have had 10 regals with only 3 left selling them. I missed out because of people like that. I'm hoping it wasn't true. So greedy.


Probably is true. That's how people are.

Looks like a few are still available to folks with a account

Sinistermackz's picture
Regal and heavy is out :<

Regal and heavy is out :<

Iron-Volvametal's picture
I haven't checked yet, but...

Can you Trade the Accessories? I only wanted the Heavy & Dusky Parry Sword, so I'd be willing to give my Regal & Cool Swords to those who were unfortunate to receive ones.

Giannii's picture
you can only trade them

you can only trade them attached to an item, and well you can technically trade the codes, but I'd assume that can piss off the gms. Although they didnt seem pissed off when people traded the pax codes, or maybe they did... I didnt pay attention.

Carthiah's picture

I will trade my Dusky for your Regal any day, all I wanted were the Regal and Heavy ones. Message me in-game, IGN is Carthiah.

Didn't know they were un-tradeable, sorry.

Neon-Ne's picture

If Prime Bombhead Mask codes can be sold, I don't see why GMs should interfere what players do with these promotional accessory codes. If GMs do interfere, I see double standard here.

Usef-Berrys's picture
I wonder if some site has

I wonder if some site has volcanic and toasty ones...

Exactly how is selling codes

Exactly how is selling codes against the Terms of Service? No where does it say you cannot sell game codes, or anything of the sort.

Sinistermackz's picture
Cool just went out

Cool just went out

Shennynerd's picture
Can we do something about it

Can we do something about it sticking on your leg like it's duct taped when you're walking? Maybe it's par for the course with accessories but it looks rather dumb the way it moves with the leg.

Milkman's picture
Well, personally I don't like

Well, personally I don't like the look of the heavy and regal parry blades(doesn't match my armours too well). Is it against ToS if I attach them to an item and trade/sell that item? What about a similar scenario with the other limited time accessories? Would like an official response (Hyperion's statement didn't really address this scenario).

Bigfootm's picture
What Dark Ritual?


The PAX codes got me wondering as well, I'll send another ticket later to be 100% sure.

Digitalartificer's picture
Om nom nom nom. Thx for the

Om nom nom nom. Thx for the links, got a regal and heavy! :D

Brazzyts's picture
I'm curious as well as to why

I'm curious as well as to why we wouldn't be allowed to sell them.

I got a code for a Cool parry blade for my girlfriend and she doesn't really want it. I have the heavy one attached to me. I looked through the TOS and didn't see anything that says that you cant sell (For crowns/CE, not cash) them in game.

Any Mods got an input on this?

Until i get an answer I'll just be holding onto it, i guess building its value for a bit.

Trojanm's picture
I missed this :(

I missed this :(

Paweu's picture
I've made a raffle for it back then, so no, you aren't allowed to trade codes. You can give them away though. Makes me sad to see that many hoarders gra all 4 when i didn't manage to get a single one.